chapter 18.

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Mmmm. These burgers are so good. We sit on the side of a deserted road as we munch on our food. Our surroundings silent as can be with only the sound of cars passing by every other 5 minutes.

I glance at the car radio, noticing it's 12:17 am. We've been driving all day and it annoyed me, knowing that I don't know what Harry is doing or if he's okay.

Zayn makes me happy but he's not Harry. Harry just cares for me the right way, I don't know what'd I do if I didn't have him.

I end up zoning out, thinking of all the things that can be happening at this second to Harry. "Selena?" Zayn calls, "Yes?".

"What are you thinking about?" My eyes follow his every move, he grabs his drink and takes a sip.

"Well I was thinking of Harry and how he's doing but.." I get comfortable in the car seat, leaning back as I face Zayn.

"But what?"

"I- nothing.. Do you have any update on him?" I ask before taking a bite of my burger.

"Yes actually, I got a message and he's in a safe house up north now but.. he wants to keep us out of harms way so he suggests we don't go up there right now" I nod, "So what are we going to do now?".

"We are going to go to a house we own that's in the suburbs and stay there for now" My heart immediately felt sad, I miss Harry.

"Okay" I give Zayn a reassuring smile to convince him that I'm perfectly fine.

"So are we going to go to that house now?"

"Yep" He nods,

"How long-... never mind I ask too many questions " I chuckle, looking down at my food.

"It's okay Selena but if we go now then we'll make it there in 3-4 hours so" He turns on the car, I sit back right and buckle in my seatbelt.

We drive back onto the lonely road. I hate roads like this, you always see these roads in horror movies and nothing good comes from it.

I turn up the radio only to hear static.. I quickly turn it off.

"Zayn, can you drive faster" I say as nonchalantly as I can. He doesn't question me and does as I say. I lean my head back, trying to rest.


I feel the car come to a halt and quickly wake up, looking around to find us at a gas station. Zayn looks for his wallet before getting out the car. I decide to get out also, I face him as he stands on the other side of the car.

"Do you want me to go in? While you take a restroom break, I can also get you a coffee if you want, I remember just how you like it" He hesitates, "Don't you trust me Zayn?" He walks over to my side, "I don't have a reason not to Selena" He says as he hands me a $50 dollar bill and walks over to the restrooms.

I go into the well lit gas station, fluttering my eyes due to the brightness. I go over to the coffee machine, I pour in the still hot coffee into a cup. Adding in 2 creams and 2 sugar packets, just how Zayn drinks it.

I grab a water and then walk over to the cashier. "How much?" Asked the man behind the counter, "$40 for number 5". I give him the money and wait for my cash back. I look around before looking up and noticing a security camera, I stare at it for a second before looking back down to get the money. I quickly walk back out and into the car, where Zayn is already pumping the gas in.

I bite my lip and think about how I'm technically missing, I doubt there's an actual search going around though so as of now I'm good. Zayn hops back into the car, "Are you sure you don't want me to drive? I don't want you to exhaust yourself" I look into his eyes and he sighs.

"It's fine Selena, we only have like an hour and a half to drive so it's best if I drive and I already know by heart where this house is at, you can just lay back, Okay?" He gives me a warm smile and I didn't want to say anything else to him so I smile back and look forward.

We're back on the road but luckily this time there's cars here and there. The sky is still dark with the full moon out in all its glory. I look out and out of boredom decide to count the stars.

After the 10th star I gave up and decide to just observe them. And at this exact moment is where I felt at peace, just the stars and me. I smile to myself.


Zayn grabs his bag and we finally get out of the car. I walk over to his side and look around the area. Darkness still here but not for long, dawn is approaching.

The house is of normal size and the neighbors
are quite close then to what I'm used to with these guys. After Zayn unlocks the door, we go in and he starts to look for things while I just look around. I look over to Zayn and see him most likely activating the security system.

He finishes up and grabs my hand leading me upstairs. "This can be your room for now," he opens up the door to a furnished bedroom, I go in and sit on the bed.

"Goodnight Selena, sweet dreams" He says before walking out and closing the door behind him.

"Goodnight, Zayn".

Oh hey y'all lmaoo. Long time no see. Lol so I decided to write a chapter tonight so I hope you guys somewhat enjoyed this filler chapter 💞

‼️‼️‼️ last thing, I have a question for you guys, which ship do you guys like more in this story? Harlena or Zaylena? because I want to know who's hearts I'm gonna either break or make. ‼️ ‼️‼️Lmao


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