chapter 14.

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I honestly don't know what reaction I'm expecting. If he gets mad, it obviously means he loves me. If he doesn't, than no?

I'm currently lying naked in a bed next to Zayn. We're both panting as we stare at the ceiling.

I'm really not liking the choices I made in the last hour. It was a heat of the moment kind of thing you know. But here I am lying naked next to my boyfriends'(?) best friend. Aren't I so great?


"Fuck, what did I do!" Zayn starts panicking and sits up, pulling his pants on.

"Well you couldn't control your dick" I state. He looks at me, almost glaring.

"You seduced me! I couldn't help it!" He throws his hands in the air.

"Look we can't change what happened, let's just move on, if you like to, if the claims you made earlier were true than it's only fair" I say as I grab my bralette from the floor and strap it on.

"Lets move on.. for now" He says.

After putting my clothes back on I help Zayn with fixing the bed. After picking up the guest room we head downstairs and into the kitchen for something to eat.

After finding nothing that fulfills our cravings, Zayn has a debate in his mind about what to do. "I'm sure Harry won't mind" He finally speaks before he grabs his coat and keys.

"Get a jacket Selena, we're going to go eat at a diner or something" I nod and run up the stairs grabbing my sweatshirt and running back down.

I pull it on and slip on my shoes that were lying next to door.

I follow Zayn out of the house, he securely locks the door and we walk to his car which is a Range Rover just like Harry's.

We hop in the car and he starts it. We drive forward. After stopping at the two gates to open them we finally get on an actual road. There's a comfortable silence in the car until Zayn speaks up.

"Selena, I trust you so please don't try anything" He looks at me,

"Why would I try anything?"

"I- uh"

"I love Harry, I'm not going to run away" I state.

"Ok" He says with relief.

We finally get to this old diner on the side of the road. As we walk in the smell enlightens me and makes me think twice. The diner is a normal size and is currently semi full with people.

We take a seat in the booth farthest from the entrance. Zayn said so we can not be seen so directly. I didn't get it but I didn't question him any further. Instead I grabbed a menu that was laying on our table and scan it to see if there's fried chicken steak with gravy and French fries, I've been craving this, let me be.

The next thing I know a waitress is at our service asking us what we'd like to order. I found a meal of fried chicken steak and ordered that one and Zayn ordered a breakfast meal.

"So you're gonna share your steak when it arrives?" He grins.

"No unless you give me a some of your French toast"

"Deal" .

"So how'd you find this place?" I ask.

"Well one day I was really hungry and I was mad too, I guess you can say I was hangry, anyways I seen this diner on my way home and decided I'd eat here, I fell in love with the food here and it has been my spot to relax and eat ever since" I nod.

Our food comes and we dive right into eating and oh my god this food is fucking delicious.


After finishing our food we head back to the house in peace. We enter the house still as we last saw it. We decide to watch tv and than call it a night.

Omg this is my last update of 2016! I am shook. My goal is to reach 1k reads by New Years Day and well let's see if does! 😝

Thanks for reading 💕✨💕

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