chapter 10.

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Why, why, why.

He was happy an hour ago and now he's acting like a dick again.

He came into the room yelling about how I'm such arrogant and no-good bitch. I mean, I agree but I wouldn't have to fucking be that if he would just let me go.

It came out of nowhere honestly, we were on great terms and then he just bursts. It's not to long till I explode either.

I don't know, guys are confusing. One second they like you, the other they don't. Well fuck him, I don't need him.

He told me he can't let me go because I know to much and I can't have that 'knowledge' in me. I just want to go home.

But don't worry, I can tell he's falling for me. I seen it in his eyes the other night. He might not love me just yet but he will soon.

He's mad at me right now so I don't know what to do honestly. I'm assuming this 'he'll love me' plan will take a couple of months but I'm ok with that. I've already been here approximately 6 months, maybe 7, I don't remember which.

I think he's in his office right now but I'm not sure. Shall we go see?

I stand up from the bed I'm sat on and walk to the next room which is his office.

The door was wide open so I knock on it as I'm in the room. "What do you want" He stares at his desk, pretending to be focused on something but just a second ago he was looking at the wall.

"Harry, why are you mad at me? I haven't done anything wrong, recently" I sigh and say candidly.

"Selena just leave me alone" I walk into the room and stand across from his desk.

"Harry no, please listen to me, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm just angry" He grunts.
"What or who are you angry with?"

"I'm angry at you!" He shouts and continues , "I'm more angry with myself".

"Look Selena, just give me a couple of hours, I'll be fine, in the mean time you can make something to eat for later" He said with his hands on his desk and head facing down.

"Ok.." I exit and walk back into our room laying down, I can poison him? But with what fucking poison, he's smart, he hid anything that I can use to hurt him. Sharp knives even, there locked in the drawer with only a key to open it.


We sat at the table silently eating the spaghetti I made for us. After a couple of moments later he reached for my hand and took it into his.

"Selena, I'm sorry for flipping out earlier, it's just stuff with business got overwhelming and I took my anger out on you" He was lying.

"It's alright, everyone has those days" I nod and look back down at my food.

The night continued on to be somewhat silent but towards the end stuff went back to normal.

Short update since I have school tomorrow and it's late af! But don't worry I'll try and update tomorrow!

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