chapter 3.

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Stockholm Syndrome is when hostages express admiration or love and positive feelings towards their captors. These appear irrational in these cases, essentially mistaking a lack of harassment as an act of kindness or affection.

"Morning" Harry says as he hugs my naked body against his own. He kisses my neck and sits up. I turn around so I'm facing him, he yawns and rubs his eyes.

"I'm so tired" I yawn myself also. He smiles at me, an actual smile. He has dimples... I never really noticed he has such deep dimples. I sit up, not really caring if I'm naked since he seen me last night.

"You have dimples!" I move near him and touch his dimples. He continues to smile, "Yes, you just noticed" he laughs.

"Well you don't really smile alot" He chuckles and shakes his head, "You got me there" He really does have a nice smile.

His phone rings and he grabs his phone. It was a message, "Here put this on" He grabs his shirt from the floor and hands it to me, I put it on and start walking to the bathroom. I want to take a shower, I just feel so...


I'm covered in hickeys, there's just so many. From my neck to my stomach there's hickeys planted around. Wow. I wrap the towel around my body and walk out. I go over to the dresser to look for something to wear.

I hear the door open and I turn around, it's not Harry..

"Who are you?!" I say to the guy. "Oh my god- my apology" He closes the door. I was left there still unknown to who he was. I go to lock the door and went back to the dresser, changing into some random clothes quickly.

I end up in a black spaghetti strap shirt and gray sweats. I take off the towel wrapped around my head and throw it on the bed.

"Harry?" I call out as I start walking downstairs. I go into the living room and I see 4 guys sitting on the couch. I back away, "Where's Harry?!" I somewhat yell.

Why am I scared? I just don't know these guys and I only know Harry so I want Harry.

I run away from the living room, I don't know where I'm trying to go but I just run. "Harry?!" I yell.

I bump into someone and I instantly know it's Harry. I reach for him tightly, scared. Why am I scared!?

"Harry!" I sigh as I continue to hug him and he hugs me back.

"What? What's wrong?!" He says and pulls away still holding onto my waist. "There's these guys I....I don't know what I'm doing or what's happening.." He hugs me again as my eyes continue to look confuse.

Why am I so worried about him!? It's not because I love him, I know that feeling and it's certainly not it.

"It's Ok Selena" he rubs my back. "I'm sorry Harry, I don't know what took over me" I say and he looks sincerely confused. He continues to hug me and also walks us back to the living room.

He let's go when we make it there and I still hold onto his side. "These are my friends Selena, here is Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Niall" Zayn, the guy who came into the room.

"Hi" I wave to them shyly. Harry grins at me, "boys, this is Selena".

They all greet me with a hello and I turn back to Harry. He looks at my neck, "I'll be right back guys" he says and leads me into the kitchen.

"Wow" He says as his hands gently go over the hickeys on my neck. "Yea" I had probably 4-5 on my neck and he had 3 on his.

"Selena, why were you scared for me?" His hands on my shoulders, looking into my eyes.

"I don't know, my mind somehow convinced me to be" I say honestly.

"Ok, uh go eat something, Yea?" I nod.

I grab a bowl to pour my cereal in. I sit down on a bar stool and eat my cereal. What's wrong with me? Something just took over me and I couldn't control it.

Short update 😂

But I really wanted to update, anyways I hope you liked it. It's currently 2 a.m and I have you wake up at 8 a.m tomorrow for a school orientation thing 😂

Ok please COMMENT and VOTE and I'll update as soon as I can.

Thanks for reading b 💕

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