Chapter 3

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Dan's POV

Phil asked me to move in with him for a year. Honestly, I can't tell if it's a great idea yet but i'm sure it couldn't hurt. It's crazy that someone as well-known as him would even consider to have me live with him. As I packed up the last of my belongings, I heard the moving truck pull up into the driveway. I had more items than I thought so I have been up late every night packing everything up. Since i'm only staying for a year, I decided not to sell my old apartment quite yet.

I heard someone knock on the door. I opened the door to see two large men smiling at me.
"Dan Howell?" One man looks up at me.
I smiled back, "Yes that's my name."
"Can we assist you in putting your boxes in the truck?"
"Yes, thank you guys."
The men started up the stairs, "It's our job."
As I drive to Phil's house, the men follow behind me with all my items in the moving van. I'm still an hour away but it seems like no time at all. I'm nervous as hell.

Phil's POV

Dan should be here in an hour or so. I was done cleaning the house so I decided to play a bit of Crash Bandicoot before he arrived.

I played for an hour before the moment came when Dan was finally here. I heard him pull up so I decided to open the door right away. He had a moving van behind him, that's good, we'll get help bringing in the boxes. As I quickly slipped on my shoes I heard Dan's voice, "Hey Phillp!"
He never seems to be able to call me what most other people call me. I laughed, "Hey Daniel!"
He frowned, "Eww, don't say that again." I looked at him and we both smiled. I wanted to hug him right now but I think that it would be weird if I did. I'm just a huggy person I guess, he'll have to get hugged sooner or later. I decided to go for it but before I could embrace him, I found Dan's arms around me. I was quick to hug back, blushing, even though I was about to do the same.

After our hug ended, I helped him bring in his boxes. There were so many of them so it took about 45 minutes for the four of us to bring them in.

Dan's POV

After an hour of bringing boxes in, I found myself next to Phil on his couch. We were watching some trash movie that we found on Netflix. We kept watching only because we had snacks and we were both too tired to find a new movie.
We called it an early night, after all, I was so damn tired I thought I was going to pass out. We exchanged our goodnights, got into our separate rooms and feel asleep.

Phil's POV

I found myself awake. It's still dark out, I looked at the clock to check the time. 3:25am. I groaned as I hopped out of my bed. It's hard to get through the hallways, it's pitch black, I don't wanna wake Dan up. I knew I had to be quiet so I tiptoed to the kitchen. Once I successfully got to the kitchen without making any noise, I opened up a box of cereal. It was Dan's but he hadn't opened it yet so it can't be that important. I quickly walked back to my room with the box of cereal in my hand. I turned to go to my room but hit my head on the doorway instead, falling backwards.
"Son of a bitch!" A quarter of the cereal was scattered across the floor. Dan's door swung open.
"Phil! Are you alright?"
I feel a headache coming,"I think so..."
He helped me up. "How did you manage to do that?"
I looked down. His eyes follow mine and then he frowned.
"Philll! Is that my cereal!?"
"You can't just open up my box of cereal you twit!"
"But Daaann... I was hungry."
He sighed, "I'll help you clean up."
I started to feel guilty, I guess I should learn to ask before eating his cereal.
After we had cleaned everything up, I apologized and he decided to go back to bed.
As for me, I just decided to scroll through Tumblr while watching Attack on Titan. I couldn't fall back asleep so I decided to continue this until about 6am when Dan woke up.

Dan's POV
"Phil, you little shit."
"Good morning to you as well Dan."
I had just woken up to find Phil on the couch watching Netflix. After last night's incident, I was slightly pissed off but I decided to let it go. For some reason I can't stay mad at him.
"Phil, how long have you been awake?"
"Around 3am."
I sighed, "Why were you up so early in the first place?"
Honestly, I don't think it's good for him to be awake so long. I'm kind of concerned.
"I was hungry and then couldn't fall back asleep."
"Alright. But you should get more sleep."
Sorry that was a longer chapter. I'll probably update again today. I promise that it has a storyline, I just wanted to build it up a little more first.

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