Chapter 4

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Phil's POV

I find myself awake at a regular time with the smell of eggs filling the hallways. Before getting breakfast I take a brisk shower. The High School Musical soundtrack is playing in the bathroom while I sing along. I know every word.
Dan knocks.
I shout, "Come on in!" He doesn't open the door at first so I assumed the sound of water and music drowned him out.
The door swings open, "Hey Phil. I made us eggs. When you're done being a dork, come eat with me."
I stuck my head out to show him my tongue.
He pretended to be offended, "Bitch, you did not."
I closed the door and laughed, Dan can be so weird sometimes.
"Imma go get breakfast ready."
"Ta-ta!" I called back as he closed the door.
I quite like having Dan stay here with me. I have been so much happier since he decided to live here in my apartment. I hope he feels the same way.
I reach to get a towel. Nothing there. If I left the bathroom naked, Dan would see me. I decide to call for him to grab me one.
While he comes, I shut off the water and hop out of the shower.
I go to look at myself in the mirror but my image is all steamy. Wiping away the steam, I start to see my messy wet hair and bare body. I stare at myself.
The door swings open, "What did you-"
We both yell as Dan quickly shuts the door.
"Phil. What were you... um, wanting?"
I paused and looked up at my misty reflection. I had turned bright red.
"A towel."
Dan opened the closet beside the bathroom and stuck a towel through the door.
"Thank you."

Dan's POV

I walked back into the kitchen.
I can't believe I just walked in on Phil naked! That's so awkward... I want to leave the house but I know that it would be too obvious. I just waited for Phil to join the table as I cleaned up the plates.
Once Phil finally came, I put down his plate and sat down across from him. There was a few minutes of awkward silence. I noticed how he always wears long sleeves. They're nice, but he looks better with nothing on.
Wait, why did I think that? I'm not physically attracted to Phil Lester. I've seen all of him now, I handled it. Plus, i've never been attracted to a guy. Any one gets confused after seeing another man's cock.

Phil finally broke my train of thought.
"Thanks for breakfast, it's really good."
I looked up at him for a second. His naked body was stuck in my mind.
I looked back down at my plate, "Yeah of course. It's the least I could do."
He didn't respond, leaving us in more awkward silence.
I continue to look down at my plate while starting conversation,
"Sorry for ah... this morning's incident."
"It's my fault, shouldn't have called you. Try your best to forget about it please."
I couldn't if I tried. It's impossible. "Okay I will."
After a second or two of even more silence Phil asks, "Are you going to Chris's party tonight?"
"Yeah. Want a ride?"
He looked up at me, "Sounds good."

Phil's POV

I know I should get over it, but i'm just so embarassed of the thought of Dan seeing me naked! We are on the car ride to Chris's place and we have been avoiding that subject completely. I think I might just avoid Dan at the party tonight.
We ring Chris's doorbell. PJ opened the door and let us in.
"Hey you guys! How are you?"
Dan answered, "We're good PJ."
"Come upstairs, we're serving drinks before a round of Truth or Dare."
Me and Dan walked to the kitchen. Dan chose a bottle of beer while I chose a glass of wine. I knew he would get himself drunk soon.

"Okay guys!" Chris started, "I'll pick someone first."
Chris looked around the room. There were at least 30 people here, at least half were drunk already. This should prove to be interesting.
"PJ, truth or dare?"
"How many people have you slept with?"
PJ looked offended. It took him a second but he got the number. "4 I think."
PJ looked around the room, "Marisa."
I don't know who she is but she sure is pretty. "Truth or dare?"
Marisa looks at PJ thoughtfully. "I'm feeling frisky, I choose dare."
I could tell she was drunk. We're only an hour into the party and she is slurring slightly.
"Do a sexy dance," ordered PJ.
Marisa stood up and started to do a 30 second dance full of twerking, grinding and slight teasing. I could tell that every straight man got slightly less soft.
Marisa sat back down and searched the room for a victim. "You. The cute one with the long hair." She was pointing at Dan." Dan blushed slightly. "Truth or dare?"
Dan was quick to respond, choosing dare.
She looked around the room again. "Okay I got it." She was looking straight at me. "Kiss that kid over there." This wasn't good. Dan was probably too drunk to decline. I didn't want to kiss Dan. It would make everything awkward for weeks! Sure enough, Dan got up right in front of me. "Dan, you don't have to-"
I was interrupted by Dan pressing his lips to mine. He put his hands on my back. I closed my eyes and began to feel myself kissing him back. I was surprised about how right this felt. Butterflies formed in my stomach as he slid his tongue in my mouth. After what seemed like forever, we broke apart for air.
No one said a word. Obviously that was more than what they were expecting.
I sat on the couch talking to someone i just met. His name is Peter and he seemed like the only other sober person here. While I talked to Peter, I watched Dan drink bottle after bottle of beer. As I expected, he ran to the bathroom.
"Excuse me a second," I told Peter.
I entered the bathroom to find Dan coughing over the toilet.
"Dan..." I patted his back until he got back up.
I looked at him, he looks terrible.
"I'm taking you home."
I said farewell to everyone and then drove hammered Dan back home.
Me and Dan are watching Attack on Titan together. Dan keeps talking. He can't keep his mouth shut while he is drunk. After a few minutes, Dan stopped the show.
"Dan. Why did you do that?"
He smirked. Dan climbed beside me. As he was coming towards me I noticed his penis through his pants. Dan had gotten hard.
"Dan. What are you doing?"
He ripped off his shirt. "I think we should have some fun tonight."
He began to take of my shirt but I pushed his hand back.
"DAN!!" He flinched at my yelling. "You are drunk!! You will regret anything you want to do to me right now. I'm not saying I didn't like that kiss but while you are drunk, i'm not going to let you do anything stupid. You're only this horney because you are wasted. I suggest you go to bed."
I got up and went to my room, slamming the door behind me. A couple minutes later I heard Dan enter his own room.
Btw guys, I don't think i'll make this story have a ton of smut. But I hope you found this interesting. If so, please add this book to your library. If you want me to add something to my story, comment or message me.

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