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10 years later...

Dan's POV

I yawn as I open my eyes to find that Phil has opened the blinds in our room, filling the room with bright sunlight. I climb out of our bed, smelling pancakes as soon as I leap to my feet. Quickly, I step out of the room. Over all these years, our hallways never have changed, everytime I walk through them, a different memory will come back to me. I love this hallway. It's simple, but it's a place where I can continue to make memories alongside Phil. Maybe one day not in this exact halllway, but maybe we'll create a life in a new hallway. In a new home.

I walk into the dining room. Phil has left no lights on, but the sun shines throughout the entire apartment. It's happy and peaceful in our humble home. Birds chirp from outside, singing a joyful ballad. My eyes shoot to the table in the middle of the dining room. Phil created a colourful fruit platter which he carefully placed next to a boquet of flowers. The flowers are beautiful, probably handpicked from outside. The clean apartment looks like a dream to me.. except Phil has already made my dreams into reality.
"Phil!" I call out, only to have my words get lost in the warm silence.
I hear a yelp. I pause for only a moment before Phil's loud laugh echoes from outside. I smile as I open the sliding door.

"Down boy," Phil says in between giggles. The golden retriever licks his face in responce.
I start to run up to Phil but the puppy comes up to greet me first.
"Why hello Daisy!" I stroke her elegant, soft fur.
The sunlight reflects off her back as she runs towards Phil once again. I follow her while I look at Phil.
He smiles up at me, "Dan."
I sit down next to him and quickly kiss him.
"Everything looks so beautuful, the flowers, the breakfast... you."
He blushes, "Thanks bear, do you want to eat?"
"Sure," I reply before calling for Daisy to follow.
I help Phil get to his feet, while not even trying to wipe the smile off my face. I grab his hand and hold onto it. The sun warms my back as we walk towards the door. The flowers from our garden smell lovely toady.
Phil slides the door open quietly and gives me a funny look.
"Why are you staring at me?" He giggles, "Is there something on my face?"
"No, no. I just like looking at my wonderful husband."
He blushes, "You mean your amazing husband?"
I shake my head.
"You know," he continues, "cause like AmazingPhil?"
"I got it, I got it. Never gets old."
"I love you," he states.
"I love you too."
With that, I squeeze his hand and lead him inside.
It's over guys. Thanks for the support, ya'll mean the world to me. I know some of you guys didn't like the cutting but I put that part in only to kind of be able to put my own emotions into my writing.

My next story will be great, it's all ready, I just need to make my cover still. Follow me if your intersted.

So until I anounce my new book, this is my last note.
For now, goodbye everyone!

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