Chapter 14

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Dan's POV

As much as I Iove any time I get with Phil, I can't help but hate the silence in between us. The only thing I can hear is my own chewing and the occasional sound of cutlery hitting our plates. Ever since we got back from the hospital, we've only had one conversation;
Phil said, "Come eat the breakfast."
"I'm not hungry," I replied.
"It wasn't a question."
With that, I sat across from him and here I am now, chewing the cold pancakes Phil baked for me.
"I'm sorry," I tell him once more. I watch his big blue eyes shoot up to meet mine. He tilts his head like a puppy before giving me a warm smile.
"I know you are Dan, but nonetheless, I'm going to watch what you do. I have to."
"Phil, that's not what I'm going on about. I didn't mean to hurt you."
"This whole situation... it's not about me."
"It is right-"
He innurupts me, "No Dan. It's not. We're going to talk about this tonight. Not about how I feel. But about what made you feel sad enough to try and take your own life. End of conversation."
Sounds like I'm going to have a fun Saturday evening.
I sigh, "Can we talk about something else then please?"
"Like what?"
Phil stares at me.
"How about..." I start, "your reaction to the nurse walking in on us making out."
I start laughing just remembering it.
"It wasn't that funny," Phil smiles.
I squint at him and laugh.
I cross my eyes and make a Winnie the Pooh voice, "It's ah, not what it looks like!" I say while waving my arms.
"Shut up dipshit," Phil retorts before slapping his hand over his mouth.
I'm doubled over laughing at this point, Phil is such a dork, I love him.
"I meant spork!" He yells.
"Phil," I start in-between laughs, "The trucker-mouth."
Now Phil is laughing too. It takes us a minute to calm down before I find him smiling up at me once again.
Phil's POV

"Mr. Padfoot would like to register his astonishment that an idiot like that ever became a professor," I read aloud.
I sit on the couch, one arm on the side of the couch and the other around Dan who has his feet up and his head placed on my lap.
I push up my glasses before flipping the page.
"Mr. Wormtail bids Professor Snape good day, and advises him to wash his hair, the slimeball."
Dan and me have been quite into the Harry Potter series lately, but Dan doesn't fancy reading. So almost every evening, we cuddle up by the fire whilst I read to him.
Dan grabs my hand.
"I can't read with only one hand Danny."
"Then stop reading."
I but my bookmark in the book and place it gently on the coffee table inferno of us. I run my free hand through his thick curls, brushing through each lock.
He sits up slightly so his head is on my chest. He grabs my other hand and places it on his chest. I sit there happily for what seems like only a matter of minutes before I'm asleep.

I yawn and open my eyes to find out I'm not in my own bed. Dan's head is placed on my chest while he snores slightly, his chest moving up and down.
"You're lucky I think your snoring is cute," I whisper.
I struggle to roll myself off the bed while leaving Dan snoring on the couch. I look at him for a moment, noticing how cute he is when he sleeps. I take the plaid blanket from in front of the fireplace and place it over top of him.

I walk in the kitchen. I think I'll make a big breakfast for when Dan wakes up. Eggs, toast and bacon. I grab each ingredient and start to make our meal. Once the bacon starts to sizzle, the smell fills the entire apartment. Next, I take out a cutting board and begin to cut the bread for the toast in front of our counter.
I feel Dan's arms reach around my waist, pulling me into his torso.
"You're awake sleepy-head," I say while continuing to cook.
He rests his head on my shoulder and squeezes my waist while continuing to hold me.
"Yeah bear," his deep, morning voice tells me, "It smells amazing in here."
"Cause I'm Amazingphil!" I say.
"Can I no longer use the word amazing with out you making that joke?" He laughs.
Dan lets go of me and steps beside me, "Want help?"
"This was originally meant to be a surprise silly."
"Well now that it's not, can I help?"
"How about you go lay in bed and I'll bring the two of us breakfast while we watch Anime?"
"I feel bad-"
I innurupt him, "Don't. I'll be there in a heartbeat."
"As you wish bear."

For this chapter, I decided to write something that doesn't make you want to rip your heart out. Some of y'all were complaining about how depressing this is so I decided to write you some fluff. :)

Also, last time I thanked you for 200, now I'm here thanking you for a whopping 300! Again, this is crazy THANK YOU!

Lastly, I don't reallllly have friends tbh so if you ever wanna MSG me, it makes my day.

Thanks again,

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