Chapter 15

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Phil's POV

I smile at Dan as he hums along to the "Attack On Titan" theme song. We've been watching anime for a couple hours now whilst Dan is in bed with me. I could stare at Dan forever, he's in his boxers, with his torso fully exposed. It's moments like this where I realize how beautiful he is. How much I appreciate him. How it's him that puts my life together.
"Danny," I plead, grabbing his hand.
"Do you wanna go to sleep now?"
"Sure Phil," he grabs the remote and shuts off the television.
I sit in the darkness for a second before getting to my feet.
"You're not going to sleep with me?" He whispers sadly.
"Of course I am. I'm just opening a window, it's so damn hot in here."
He instantly cheers up. "Oh no you don't. It's your choice to wear a jumper to bed."
"Dan... you know I have to."
"Come sit down."
I do as Dan tells me and I sit back on the bed. As soon as i'm beside him, Dan moves up in front of me.
"Let me take off your jumper."
His voice within the silence calms me down but his words scare me. My eyes have adjusted to the darkness that fills the room. The moon shines through our window, illuminating Dan's dark, serious eyes.
"No, it's alright I-" i'm interrupted by Dan lifting up the bottom of my jumper slowly.
I give in and let him pull it off completely.
He throws the clothing to the floor, leaving me immediately feeling exposed.
"Dan," I whimper, "Why do you want to see me like this?"
"It's not that. Don't be scared, I just don't want you to hide your body from me. I love your scars. I don't love that you ever had a reason to put them there... but they're a part of you. A- And I love all of you."

I smile.
Not because of what Dan said, but because for once in my life, I can give someone all of myself. I don't have to be scared anymore. Up until this point, I was too blind to realize that my savoiur was right in front of me the entire time.
"I'm sorry," he whispers after I don't respond. "That was weird..."

I don't hesitate before jumping on him. He falls back on the bed before I press my lips against his. It's almost urgent, like this one kiss is my way of showing him my words and emotions. All the heartbreak, the pain.
All the times I couldn't express my feelings for him.
For the time he went to the hospital from the time I first hugged him...

I grab his cheeks and take a breath before I lean in again.
The butterflies are gone. The fear is gone. My scars are only memories of how Dan saved me from myself.
The silence that once tried to take me is now overruled by the sound of our lips meeting. His heart beating in-sync with my own.
There are no more screams, no demons.
It's only me, Dan and the moon.

The end.


You've reached the end of my story.
Why did I decide to end it here?
Well, towards the beginning of my story, I couldn't write for shit. I'd like to say I got better, I gained confidence. I started this stroy with no plot or ideas and yet I got 350 reads. Wow. Thank you again. Towards the end of this story, I had good pheels, I had good writing. But in my new story i'll have better pheels, i'll have better writing! :D
But this isn't the end of my writing. It's only the beginning. I'll be writing a new story. Another Phanfiction. It'll be sad but less dramatic. This one will be better. I have a plot, I have ideas. And I think it's unique. Once I finish the cover, i'll announce the story so you can look out for it.
If you liked this story, please follow me if you would like to read more.

Tonight, i'll post an epiloge, the final chapter of this story.
Thanks again. Ily all, goodbye.


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