Chapter 13

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Dan's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep.
The sharp noise rings in my ear. I groan as I open my eyes to find a group of doctors standing over me.
The machine beside me is beeping, indicating that I happen to still be alive. I'm so useless, I can't even kill myself properly.
"You're awake," a man's deep voice states, his words flat and lifeless.
"Guess so.." my voice cracks from waking up.
"Mr. Howell, it seems that your wires somehow got loose last night, putting you in a terrible condition."
Yeah okay, they got loose. I like that better than my own pathetic story.
I look up at the doctor, who carries a notepad and pen, probably holding notes about my condition.
"How am I?" I whisper.
"Luckily, if those wires aren't in your body, they send a warning to the nurses. They were able to reconnect you before anything worse could have happened. In other words, you are in a healthy state"
"Well that's great," I fake a smile.
"Maybe not for you," the doctor replies, looking me dead in the eyes.
"What do you mean?"
"We wanted to check and see how your wires could have came out so we checked the security footage from your room."
I collapse on my bed, this is the very reason I never lie. It never works, the universe punishes me every time I try to do so.
"Mr. Howell, answer us honestly."
I hold my breath, I know exactly what he's about to ask.
"Were you purposely trying to take your life by disconnecting your medicine?"
"I don't have to answer that."
He stares at me for what seems like eternity before he starts taking notes again.
"Then we have no choice but to put you on a 5-day suicide watch. We'll inform Mr. Lester what is going on and he will be under instructions on how to take care of you."
Suicide watch. Phil taking care of me. This all sounds like bullshit.
"Whatever," I groan before falling back asleep.

Phil's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep.
I moan as my alarm clock goes off. I don't know why I had to set an alarm to get ready on time. I don't have a specific time to visit Dan in the hospital.

I know Dan kicked me out last time but he was on antibiotics and hooked up to wires, I would be pissy too. I miss Dan already and it hasn't even been 12 hours since i've seen him. Without Dan, it's been so hard. I barely slept at all, and on top of that I had nothing to do. I usually watch anime with Dan but that really is our thing, I wouldn't think of watching it without him.

My feet hit the ground with a loud thud as I get out of my bed. I have never been so pumped to visit a hospital! I slide on clean clothes before straightening my hair. After that, I go to the kitchen and pour myself a bowl of Dan's cereal. Just because he's gone, doesn't mean I should stop eating all of his cereal.

A second after I sit down to have breakfast, the phone rings. I rush to pick it up.
"Hello, it's this Phillip Lester?"
"Yes it is."
"I am Dr. Brown, Dan Howell's doctor. You can take Dan home today but I have instructions that you must follow before and after doing so."
"Oh, like how to take care of Dan? Okay, what are they?"
"I'll give you a sheet of paper with the instructions while explaining the process to you."
"Sounds good! Do you have the medicine he needs there, or do I have to buy it?"
"We have the medicine Mr. Howell needs here. Before you come to the hospital, there is a procedure you must follow, lock up bleach, scissors, pills, knives or any fatal objects for the time being. After that, cook a nice breakfast for the two of you."
Lock up..? What the hell? I was expecting medicine that I would have to give him every couple of hours... I thought he was sick.
"What kind of medicine is Dan taking?"
I feel my face fall. Obviously I missed out on the diagnosis last night.
"Then why am I trying to heal him?" I whisper into the phone.
"You're not. Mr. Howell is under suicide watch."
My heart drops as I hang up the phone.

Dan's POV

"Dan wake up."
I feel a light pressure on my hand.

My eyes shoot open to find Phil smiling beside me.
"Phil!" I shout as I try and sit up to embrace him. He stops me halfway and lays me back down.
"Shh, just rest baby. It's not good to sit up," he whispers as he tucks me into bed.
"But Phil I want to touch you... please let me."
He smirks before leaning down to hug me. He holds the hug for a couple seconds and then lets go. I missed him so much, I feel my eyes start to water. He squeezes my hand like he usually does, comforting me like always. I can't hold it in, I let a few happy tears slide down my face.
"Oh Phil, i'm so happy to see you again. You came back after I hurt you. You are still right beside me, taking care of me."
"Of course baby, it would make me a shit boyfriend if I didn't," he says blushing.
"Phillip Michael Lester. Did you just say a naughty word?"
"Shut up," he giggles.
I look into his eyes smiling. I almost left this world without seeing his eyes one last time. I guess i'm one to do stupid things in the heat of the moment, but if I killed myself, what is heaven without Phil?
"Phil, will you do sick 'lil me a favour?"
"Will you climb in to bed next to me?"
He gives me a toothy grin, "Yeah!"
Phil opens the sheets and climbs into bed facing me.
"Dan, please never hurt yourself ever again. It scares me to see you broken and attached to machines. I want to see the Dan that is full of life and joy back in my apartment with me."
Phil is just so cute sometimes, I can't help but blush.
"Of course honey, for you. I won't do that again if it'll make you happy. Let's leave Phil. Let's go back to the apartment right now."
Phil frowns, "I can't, i'm waiting for the doctor to talk to me still."
"Alrighty," I smile.
I pull myself to a sitting position before ripping my wires out.
"DAN!" Phil screams.
"I don't need these damn wires. If I do, nurses will come fix 'em."
"But Dan-" I interrupt him by kissing him on the lips. He grabs my shirt and pulls me closer to his chest. He starts to unbutton my shirt, still kissing me. I roll Phil on his back so he is laying in the middle of my bed.
He giggles, looking up at me. I put each of my knees on either side of him, and arms by his head. I start to unzip his sweater slowly. Once it's unzipped, I begin kissing him again. I always like think of myself as the dominant one so I start to get out of hand. I let my tongue explore his mouth, while I slide my hand down his pants. I softly rub his member, making Phil moan. Just as Phil moans, the door swings open, revealing a nurse who drops all of her equipment out if her arms onto the floor, gasping.
I scramble off of Phil and button up my shirt.
"It's not what it looks like!" Phil yells from behind me.
I turn around and squint at him, "I think she knows you're lying mate."
He blushes and bites his lip. It's so sexy when he bites his lip.
The nurse starts picking up her fallen items as she sighs, "Phil, the doctor will see you now."
Phil gives me a worried look before leaving the room.
I watch Phil talk to Dr. Brown for about 10 minutes, their lips moving behind the glass. Phil looks worried throughout the entire conversation, I know that he won't be pleased with me after last night's events. I watch Dr. Brown hand a couple packs of pills to Phil, who looks at them for a long while with a sad look. The doctor gives him a sheet of paper and Phil nods. Phil waves to the doctor and opens the door to the waiting room where I sit.
"C'mon lets go home," he says sadly.
"Phil i'm so-"
"I know you are Dan. I just... well.. it just hurts me to think my Dan was trying to take his life. I always wanted to be that someone you lived for."
I don't know how to reply to that, so I just follow Phil to the car.


Hey guys! Jennica here. I'm sorry I procrastinated before updating, I literally was dying of writer's block but kinda decided to get all motivated when I noticed that I had....
Drumroll please
*the drum rolls...*
OVER 200 READS!!! WAIT WTF IS THIS? Aghhh, thank you guys so much for reading and supporting my book, ya'll mean the world to me.

Also, what did u guys think of Dan's diss track? Honestly, I cried, I know all the words and i've watched it so many times it's sad. In other words, I think it great.

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