Chapter 4

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(Y/N)'s POV

Andy and I ran through the first class deck giggling as if we were 5. The old Duke at the end of the hall didn't take kindly to children and we had just learned that the extremely funny and hard way.

"Dear lord, if I laugh anymore, I may just bust a gut." I laughed. Andy laughed with me as we slowed to a walking pace.

"So, you're here all by yourself?" He asked.

"Andy, can you keep a secret?" I whispered.

"Yeah. What is it?"

"I snuck onto the Titanic."

"No way!"

"Way! I'm here with my three best friends Pete, Joe, and Patrick."

"But what about your Mother and Father? Won't they miss you?"

"I'm an orphan like my friends. We're going to New York in hopes for a better life."

"Oh. I'm going to see my dad."

"Why didn't your mom come?"

"My mom and dad aren't married. He just knocked up my Ma and had me. My mom thinks I should see him. He sends us money every year so she thought I should go and say thank you." The venom in Andy's voice made me flinch.

"You sound like you don't like your dad all that much." I stated.

"You're right, I don't." Andy scoffed.

"How old are you anyway? You seem like you're 17 or something." I changed the subject.

"I'm 15. How old are you?" Andy asked.

"14." I smiled.

"What about your friends? Where are they?"

"Well, that's what I don't know. We were all exploring when I lost them. Luckily, that's when I found you."

"Do you wanna look for them? I can help."

"Nah, let's explore until we find them. This way!" I led Andy down the hall and we took a turn ending up in the kitchen.

"Woah!" I gasped. The kitchen was huge and the smell of the all the different foods being prepared made my mouth water.

"Hey! You two shouldn't be in here!" A cook yelled at us. Andy and I turned to run out of there.

"These workers and passengers sure are a bunch of old farts." I mumbled.

"Old farts?" Andy questioned, amusement written all over his face.

"It's just something my friends and I say. It speaks for itself; old farts are no fun." I laughed. Andy nodded, laughing with me.

"I can't wait to meet your friends. You think they'll like me?" He asked.

"Yeah, they're good people." I assured him. Andy just nodded and looked down at his watch.

"Woah, 6:30." He commented.

"6:30? Can we go back to the top deck? I think the sun is setting and I really wanna see it." I begged. Andy smiled and nodded his head. I cheered and dragged him with me to the top deck.

Patrick's POV

I stood in confusion, watching Joe and Pete yell at each other.

"It's your fault why she likes to explore shit! She gets it from you!" Pete yelled.

"Oi! If anything I get it from her! (Y/N) is the one who taught me adventure. I would know nothing if it wasn't for her. Maybe your bossiness drove her away!" Joe retaliated.

"Hey, I'm bossy because I care! I don't want to see any of us in jail or just plain dead, because that's what happens to street orphans. We get tossed in jail or tossed in the ocean. We're nobodies! That's why we all need somebody."

"Well, we already looked throughout the whole damn boat. Where the hell could she be?!" That's when it hit me.

"First class!" I exclaimed.

"What are you on about?" Joe asked.

"We checked every floor and every level except the first class deck." I smiled.

"Well, if (Y/N)'s on first class, she's bound to get discovered soon! We gotta go and get her now." Pete ordered. We all ran down the hall, determined to reach the first class deck.

Andy's POV

When we reached the top deck, (Y/N) ran towards the rails watching the orange, red, and yellow sky as the sun went to hide behind the horizon.

"Andy, come quick! The sun's almost gone!" She giggled in excitement. I felt my smile get wider, watching her whole body shake with glee. I walked beside her and looked at the horizon.

"My mom...she died when I was young." She whispered. I looked over at the small smile on her face.

"I'm sorry." I apologized sincerely. (Y/N) looked over at me and let out a soft chuckle.

"Don't be. I only remember good things about her anyways. I remember, she would always watch the sunsets with me. She'd pull me close and whisper to me, 'you see (Nickname), the sun if going down to head on an exploration, and like a true explorer, the sun always comes back.' I think it was the best thing she could've ever told me." (Y/N) smiled. I looked at her peaceful state as my heart rate sped up. Never before have I seen someone as...beautiful as her. Someone as smart, beautiful, and thoughtful. We stayed there until the sun was completely gone behind the horizon and the stars began to peak out.

"Did your mom ever tell you about the stars or moon?" I asked in curiosity.

"Yeah. She would say that the moon is the sun's wife, and she always has to stay behind when her husband leaves. I mean, the wife typically has to stay along with the children. That's why in the morning when the sun is back, you can still see the moon. She never leaves, but waits patiently for her love to come back." (Y/N) told me.

"That's pretty." I smiled. She giggled and look over at me.

"You're pretty quiet, like my friend Patrick. He's the youngest of me and my friends, 13." She stated.

"Your friends really do sound interesting. Do you think it's time to find them?" I asked.

"Oi jackass! Why you hitting me for?" A voice sounded, catching the attention of (Y/N) and I. We turned to see three dirty boys, the two older ones fighting, while the younger one watched in concern.

"Oh Jesus, those idiots." (Y/N) sighed. She walked over to the two fighting boys and slapped both of them.

"Hey, we are on the top deck, anyone can see us and we're not even supposed to be here! Stop fighting before we get caught." She hissed. The oldest looking boy smiled and let out a laugh. He pulled her into a hug and laughed.

"Oh thank the sweet lord Jesus! I thought you'd been thrown in the brig or even thrown over the boat!" The boy cheered.

"Pete, Jesus, contain yourself." (Y/N) laughed. I felt my face turn in a frown. That smile was only supposed to be for me, not for...Pete.

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