Chapter 9

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(Y/N)'s POV

I sat on a chair as Andy sat next to me enjoying the sun before it set for the day.

"Hey Andy, lemme ask you something." I sighed.

"Go ahead. I'm all ears." Andy replied back.

"Why don't you like your dad? I mean I don't remember much about my dad, but aren't dad's supposed to be nice?" Andy scoffed and I turned to look at him. His mouth was set in a scowl as he stared off in the distance.

"Dads are supposed to be nice. My dad just isn't that great of a dad. He pays my mom all this money so he doesn't have to interact with me. My mom can't refuse the money because she used to be dirt poor. I just know some days, she wishes that I could just have a father figure. I do too, but I really do admire my ma for all the things she does for me." He explained. I smiled and placed my hand over Andy's, interlacing our fingers.

"Forget your dad then, anyone who doesn't want to get to know you is crazy. Just plain insane." I encouraged. Andy chuckled lightly and smiled at me.

"You know just what to say (Y/N). I'm sorry about your dad." He said.

"It's fine. Lose a family, gain another. The guys are all great. They don't treat me like a girl but instead they treat me like one of them. They don't always make me feel like a damsel in distress, well Pete does, but he treats everyone like that. I guess what I'm trying to say is, life throws the weirdest people your way and those people are usually going to be the most important in the long run." Andy nodded his head slowly.

"Beautifully said." He commented.

"As I hoped it would be." I teased. Andy gave me a playful glare as I giggled.

"Andrew! There you are boy! Your presence has been requested by some others in the dining hall. Everyone is just itching to meet the son of the owner of Hurley Consolidated." Mary Margaret cried running towards us. Andy sighed and pulled his hand away from mine.

"I'm so sorry about this (Y/N). I really do hope you can excuse me." He said apologetically. I smiled and waved him off.

"Go and rub shoulders with the rest of the rich folk. I'm gonna go hang with Joe or Pete." I assured him. Andy gave a tight lipped smile before leaving with Mary Margaret. It really wasn't fair. He's just a kid and is given all the pressure of an adult. I sighed got up from the chair. I walked off of the top deck and started to look for anyone really to keep my company. On my way down to the third class deck, I saw Joe running around.

"Joseph!" I called. He turned to me, excitement in his face.

"(Y/N), you up for some exploring right now?" He asked hopefully.

"But it's pretty late. The sun is mostly below the horizon." I pouted in disappointment.

"What are you two troublemakers doing?" A voice called. Joe and I turned to see Pete and Patrick walking towards us.

"Trying to figure out what to do. It's boring." Joe answered. Pete chuckled and shook his head.

"Well, I never thought I'd see the day. (Y/N) and Joe, stumped for ways to ensure their entertainment." He teased. I scoffed and shoved him lightly.

"Shut up. Now what are we gonna do?" I asked.

"You guys aren't going to the party?" Another voice said, making me jump. We all turned to see a boy covered in soot wearing dirty overalls.

"Brendon! What are you doing up here? Shouldn't you be shoveling coal to keep my ass alive?" Joe greeted the boy, Brendon.

"I earned a break. There's a party below deck. All third class participates. You guys sure you don't wanna come?" Brendon offered.

"I'm in!" Joe scoffed as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"No you're not. What kind of party is this?" Pete asked, his protective side coming through.

"Just music and dancing. It really is a hoot." Brendon replied.

"Come on Pete! It's the Titanic. When are gonna get to party on a boat again." I pleaded. Pete sighed and looked down at the three of us.

"I should've never found any of you troublemakers. Let's go." He caved. I high fived Joe and smiled at Brendon.

"Lead the way." I giggled.

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