Chapter 20

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Joe's POV

"Brendon!" I yelled as I ran into the boiler room. The heat was welcomed by my body opposed to the freezing temperatures on the deck.

"Brendon!" I called out, looking around.

"Joe? What are you doing here?" Brendon asked, walking over to me, ash covering his face.

"The boat is sinking, you need to come with me so we can get on a boat." I explained, grabbing his arm. I turned to leave, but Brendon pulled his arm from mine.

"Bren, what are you doing?" I asked, thoroughly confused.

"I...I can't go with you Joe." He said softly.

"What do you mean?"

"I have to keep shoveling the coal. Without the energy, the lights will go off and everyone will be in darkness."

"No one's gonna miss you down here! Come up and at least fight for a chance at life!"


"Please Brendon."

"My place is here. I'll try and make it, but I can't make any promises. You have to go."


"Go Joe!" I bit back a wave of tears and left the boiler room. I sat against a nearby wall for support and wiped my eyes.

Brendon, my friend, was gonna die down there.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Andy!" I sobbed, running through the halls of first class. It feels as if just yesterday I was running through these halls with Andy, laughing and falling for him with every laugh.

Now I was crying, hoping to save him from certain death.

"Andy!" I yelled. I got to his room and knocked frantically on door.

"Hello?! Mary Margaret? Andy?" I cried. I heard no reply and let out a sigh of frustration.

Andy's POV

Mary Margaret and I arrived on the deck, and I caught sight of Pete and Patrick. I quickly ran to them.

"What's going on with you guys? Why aren't you getting on a boat?" I asked.

"(Y/N) ran to find you and Joe went to find Brendon." Patrick answered. Pete just sat there.

"She's looking for me?" I asked in shock.

"Yeah. You never saw her?" I was going to answer when Mary Margaret grabbed my hand.

"Andrew, don't run off like that."  She ordered. Mary Margaret pulled me along as she got into a lifeboat.

"Come Andy." She said softly, pulling me next to her. I sat compliantly, unable to stop thinking of (Y/N). What if she continues to look for me and never gets on a boat? What if she goes down with the ship? What if she dies? I couldn't stop the what ifs.

"Lower the boat!" The man called and that's when I made up my mind. I looked at Mary Margaret apologetically.

"I'm sorry." I simply said before jumping out of the boat.

"Andy!" Mary Margaret yelled, which died down as she was lowered into the water to safety.

I would rather die with (Y/N) than live knowing she was gone. I have to find her.

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