Chapter 7

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(Y/N)'s POV

After going to borrow another dress from Mary Margaret, Andy and I set off to the top deck. Occasionally he would get hellos from other first class passengers, but I just ignored them. I mean I may look fancy but there is no way I'd ever be one of them.

"(Y/N), over here!" Andy said nudging me. I turned and gasped as he pointed out the grand staircase.

"Sweet lord almighty." I mumbled. I placed my hand on the railing, feeling the smooth surface.

"I don't believe I've ever touched something so expensive." I commented.

"I thought you'd like it. My father has a bunch of stuff like this at his home. If you'd like...once we get to New York I can show you." Andy stuttered nervously. I smiled and grabbed his hand.

"That's sounds great! As long as the guys can come too." I replied.

"Of course they can." Andy chuckled. Just as I was about to say something, a voice cut me off.

"Andrew Hurley! Is that you boy?" A booming voice asked. Andy and I turned to a man (first class no doubt) who was walking towards Andy and I with a smile on his face.

"Hello Colonel Astor." Andy smiled, shaking the man's hand.

"How is your father? Looking forward to seeing you I bet." Colonel Astor chuckled.

"He's great. I hope to see you when we dock in New York at one of father's benefits."

"Of course son!" The Colonel left, leaving me staring at Andy in confusion.

"I'm sorry, that's Colonel John Jacob Astor IV. He's the richest man on the ship." Andy explained. I scrunched up my nose with a small smirk on my face.

"He reeks of whiskey." I giggled. Andy laughed and nodded his head.

"He's also one of the biggest drunks on the ship." He added. I snickered and noticed as Andy's eyes lit up watching me laugh. Weird.

"So, what do you want to do now?" I asked.

"We can always go and bother the chefs in the kitchen." Andy smirked. I took his hand in mine and smiled.

"That is a proposal I just can not refuse." I said in a mock posh accent. Andy laughed along with me and we ran off to the kitchen area to cause mischief.

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