Chapter 32

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Andy's POV

The car pulled up to my father's estate and (Y/N) gasped audibly.

"Andy there are 5 cars in your driveway. How many people live here?" She asked.

"Just my dad." I said flatly. We all got out of the car and I thanked the driver.

"I feel like I'm lost just from lookin at the place." Pete said in wonder.

"It's not that big." I shrugged.

"Andy, this place is gigantic." Patrick chuckled. I ignored his comment and led everyone inside.

The door was big and intimidating. As I opened it, marble flooring is what awaited us. I looked up at the ceiling and saw four small chandelier's in a row.

"I'll have to find father before I can show you guys to your room." I commented as everyone watched the home's decor.

"Andrew, Andrew, is that you?!" Mary Margaret asked frantically. I turned to see her running down the hall, arms opened wide.

"Oh Mary Margaret, I missed you so much." I smiled, hugging her tightly.

"Is that why you jumped off the boat? That was the stupidest thing you've ever done, son." She reprimanded me. I turned to (Y/N), the smile on my face becoming bigger.

"No, it actually wasn't." I sighed happily.

"Andrew." A deep voice sounded. It was the kind of voice that drew everyone's attention and sounded of authority. We all turned and there he was.

He wore a dress shirt, rolled up at the sleeves, and brown trousers. The ginger beard on his face contrasted with his light brown hair. Complete opposite from Ma's dark brown locks. The real resemblance was in his eyes. They were trapped behind reading glasses that made his eyes look larger than they probably were.

"Father." I said respectfully. My father looked past me at my friends and then his eyes fell back to mine.

"Who are your friends?" Father asked.

"I met them on the boat. I'm pretty sure they saved me." I explained. My father nodded his head and turned.

"Mary Margaret, please escort my son's friends to our guest rooms. I would like to speak to Andrew privately." He ordered.

"Come on now children." Mary Margaret said, rushing to orders. I turned to see (Y/N) looking into my eyes.

"Are you gonna be okay, Andy?" She asked. I bit my lip and nodded before kissing her hand.

"Yes, of course. I'll see you as soon as I'm done talking to my father. " I promised. (Y/N) reluctantly left me and I looked back to my father, this time he was facing me. It took me by surprise and I wanted to yell when I felt my father's arms around me in a hug.

"Andy..." Father trailed off.

"Father, is everything okay?" I asked.

"I almost lost you. I almost lost you and I've never even been there for you in life. It made me think; I don't want to lose you son. Not anytime soon."

" won't." Father pulled out of the hug and stood up straight.

"What do you say I show you around the estate? All this is gonna be yours someday ya know." He offered.

"In a I just gotta go check in with my friends." I smiled.

"The girl, huh? She's pretty."

"And how'd you figure that?"

"She was looking at you the same way I used to look at your mom. There was a time when I loved her." I nodded and ran up the stairs.

(Y/N)'s POV

"You knuckleheads are not getting this room and its final! I got here first." I barked at Pete and Patrick.

"That's not fair!" Patrick frowned.

"Yeah, you go ask your lover boy and he gives you the room no matter what." Pete continued. Just then Andy walked in.

"Patrick, Pete, if you two could please go to your room next door, that would be great." He said, never taking his eyes off of me.

"Sure thing." Pete and Patrick both said, exiting the room. Andy smiled and walked towards me. He took my face in his hands and kissed me, almost like no kids we've ever shared.

"What was that for?" I asked dreamily.

"We're gonna live here. You, Pete, and Patrick are gonna live here with me, my dad, and Mary Margaret." Andy explained.

" called him your dad."

"I know, because today was the first time he ever treated me like he cared about me."

"Oh Andy!" I kissed him again before pulling him into a hug.

"I wanna stay here forever with you. I-I wanna grow old and have kids with you. (Y/N), if I'm gonna be the face of Hurley Consolidated, I want you to be the face right next to me, every step of the way." Andy rambled. I nodded and squeezed him a little tighter.

"I would love to be with you Andy...every step of the way."

Pete's POV

"Not as nice as the other room, but this will do I guess." I commented, feeling the softness of the bed.

"What is this really Pete?" Patrick asked, startling me. I turned to him and found him looking at me, that vulnerable look in his eyes. I knew this was serious.

"What do you mean Trick?" I asked, worriedly.

"Do you really love in the way I love you, or was this just a heat in the moment thing? Because let's make it clear, I really do love you. I know it's wrong and I shouldn't, but I do. People will probably hate us, but I love you so it won't matter. Just let me know if you really love me too, or you''re just wasting my time." Patrick explained. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Do I love you? Patrick, come here." I sighed. I sat on the bed, Patrick walked over to me, and copied me. He sat down and I took his soft pale hands in mine.

"Jesus kid, we gotta get you in the sun more often. Maybe get you to a beach or something." I teased. Patrick sucked his teeth and slapped my arm lightly.

"Shut up." He blushed. I kissed both of his pink cheeks and looked back into those eyes...his eyes.

"You wanna know if I love you? Wow, you've gotta be denser than I thought. Patrick, I've loved you since the day I looked into those magical eyes of yours. I swear, those eyes can put all the stars to shame. You make me feel...funny in my chest every time I look at you. I used to look at girls and get that funny feeling but when I met you, I didn't even care to look at girls anymore. You were worth 1,000 of all those girls. I loved being able to see you everyday of my life. I would honestly never trade the feeling I get when when I look at you, for all the money in the world. You are my money Patrick. You're my everything. I will never let anyone take away my everything. I love you." I said softly and seriously. Patrick had slight tears in his eyes.

"Okay, I believe you." He replied, his voice wavering. I laughed and pulled his lips to mine.

"I will always love you Patrick. No one will stop that." I smiled against his lips.

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