Chapter 28

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*An Hour and a Half Later*

Pete's POV

I laid on that raft for what felt like years. The stinging cold doing little to stop me from slipping into the blissful slumber of death. But I couldn't. Right next to me, the love of my life, was fighting to live, so I would too.

"Everyone still a-awake?" I asked hoarsely.

"Awake." (Y/N) rasped, followed by Andy grunting. Patrick squeezed my hand softly and I looked at Joe.

"Joe? Are you still with us?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm really s-sleepy." Joe mumbled.

"No, you gotta stay awake, J-Joey. Help is gonna be here real soon." (Y/N) encouraged.

"N-no. I wanna...I wanna sleep. It's so cold here, but when I close my eyes...I'm warm." Joe smiled.

"Don't close those eyes man." Andy spoke up.

"I gotta. I can't d-do it anymore." Joe sniffled.

"Joseph please." Patrick whispered.

"Joe, what about your plan?" I asked.


"Yes! You're g-gonna give up being a pickpocket and m-make an honest living in New Y-York. Gonna be one of them...p-paper boys. Gonna make some c-cash, an' buy a little apartment. You're gonna be living the American Dream." I explained relaying the plan he had once told me.

"I can't read." Joe frowned.

"...I-I'll teach ya, Joey." (Y/N) stuttered.

"Well...H-how'd an undeserving street rat l-like me get friends like you guys?" Joe asked softly.

"Because my dumbass just loves picking up strays." I recalled fondly.


"Come on guys. I think I saw some pretty good food in the dumpster out back the bakery." I said. (Y/N) walked behind me, holding Patrick's hand.

"I'm tired of dumpster bread. I want fresh bread." (Y/N) complained.

"We don't have money for that." I sighed.

"Then we steal it." I turned to Patrick with a straight face.

"Don't listen to her. Stealing is wrong." I said. Patrick smiled just as a crash was heard.

"He went that way fellas!" A voice sounded.

"Alright, a fight!" (Y/N) smiled gleefully. She ran off in the direction of the voices and I turned to Patrick.

"Can you stay here and safe for me, please?" I pleaded. Patrick nodded and I ran after (Y/N).

"You don't run after fights (Y/N)!" I yelled. She turned to an alley, where two guys were surrounding a smaller boy.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" (Y/N) barked. The guys turned to her and me, as I finally caught up.

"And what are you two gonna do about it?" One of the guys sneered.

"I'll show ya, ya piece of shit." (Y/N) sneered. The guys advanced to her and I put myself in the middle.

"Obviously you two are goons with no honor, if you'd even consider hitting a lady. Why don't you take me on?" I offered, glaring at the two.

"Really, you?" The second guy scoffed.

"Yeah me. Bring it." I kicked the first guy in the groin and punched the other one in the face. They just ran away. The kid in the back walked towards (Y/N) and I.

"You...guys...are awesome! I got to keep the 50 bucks." The kid smiled.

"50?! Where'd ya get that cash from? Your parents must be rich." (Y/N) gasped.

"I ain't got no parents. My ma passed when I was young and my pa was a drunk. He'd beat me and cause problems with owing people money. One day, some guys came, shot him, and took the money. I've been on my own since."

"So where'd you get the money?" I asked.

"Stole it from those two goons." The kid scoffed.

"Kid, stealing is wrong." I sighed.

"Stealing is surviving."

"Hi, I'm (Y/N) and that's Pete, he's the moral compass." (Y/N) said.

"We're orphans too. Wanna stay with us?" I offered.

"Shelter? Sounds good. I'm Joseph, but I go by Joe." The boy smiled.

"I'll call you Joey." (Y/N) giggled, taking the boy's hand. The walked off back to where we were and sure enough, Patrick was still there. I smiled and mouthed thank you.

"Patrick, you're gonna love Joe! He..." (Y/N) rambled going on and on as we walked home.


*End Of Flashback*

"Man, you really old fart." Joe coughed.

"S-Sure am." I smiled sadly. Everyone knew what was coming up next.

"You think I'm gonna see my ma?" Joe asked softly.

"Yeah, and when ya do, t-tell her all about us. Don't leave outa s-single detail." (Y/N) sniffled, the tears running down her face.

" it."

Now I held his hand, knowing he couldn't feel it, as his lungs took their last breaths of air. Then, his chest stopped rising.

"Joe? Joey?" Patrick asked softly. Joe's blue eyes were glazed over as they remained unresponsive and unblinking. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. Andy shut Joe's eyes with his fingers and just looked at the body. We all did. No one knew how to react because it didn't feel real. It wasn't real.

"Help isn't coming." (Y/N) sniffled, her eyes red with unshed tears as she looked down at Joe's body.

"I don't think it is." I agreed.

"So we just wait..." Andy said.

"Wait until we see Joe again." Patrick finished. I still couldn't wrap my head around it.

Joe just died, and I couldn't save him.

Now we're all gonna die.

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