Chapter 18

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Pete's POV

I sat on the bed with (Y/N), talking with her about where Joe and Patrick could be, when Patrick walked in.

"Pete, I have to talk to you." He announced. I looked over at him and let out a breath of relief. I stood up and pulled him into a hug.

"Thank god you're okay. Where's Joseph so I can beat some sense in that knucklehead?" I smiled.

"He needed some air." Patrick replied.

"Alright. So what do you have to tell me?"

"Well I-"

"The Titanic hit an iceberg!" Joe interrupted, running into the cabin.

"What?" (Y/N) asked.

"We hit an iceberg! I-I was on deck when I heard a man announce that there was an iceberg ahead. Next thing I knew, I'm stumbling 'cause we hit the damn thing." Joe panted. I looked at everyone's scared faces, struggling to hide my own.

"Everything is going to be okay. This is the unsinkable Titanic. It probably didn't do any damage. If it did, that captain would tell us." I said, attempting to calm everyone. I felt (Y/N) tug on my sleeve, once again reminding me of a scared child I've only seen once.

"What if it's not okay?" She mumbled and then it hit me.

What if it's not okay?

"We're gonna wait here until someone comes and gets us if it's serious. Then we'll get in the lifeboats." I planned.

"Lifeboats? I was talking with the captain before and there's not enough lifeboats for everyone! If this ship is going down, no one's coming for us! We're third class citizens! The rich will be the first to go!" Joe barked, fear and anger in his voice.

"Not enough lifeboats?! What are we gonna do?" Patrick panicked. Everyone looked at me hoping for an answer; one that I didn't have. I shook my head slowly.

"I-I don't know." I said aloud for the first time. I. Don't. Know.

"We need to get to the main deck and try to get on a boat. That's the only thing we can do." Joe proposed. Lacking any other ideas, I agreed and followed everyone out of the cabin. My whole world was suddenly falling apart.

I let everyone get on a boat that's going to kill us.

Andy's POV

I laid in bed thinking about (Y/N) and kissing her. I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but I had fallen head over heels for her. She was the girl I wanted to spend forever with and I knew it. Frantic knocks hit the door, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Don't worry Andrew, I'll get it." Mary Margaret yawned from being woken up. I nodded and sat on my bed. When Mary Margaret came back, her face held worry.

"Andy, put on your warmest clothes, we have to go." She said quickly.

"What's going on Mary Margaret?" I asked.

"We hit an iceberg and are being evacuated."

"An iceberg? But this is the unsinkable Titanic."

"Better safe than sorry, dear. Hurry and get up now." I nodded and did as I was told. I put on a white dress shirt and my suit jacket. I pulled on my trousers and slipped on my shoes. Mary Margaret was already dressed when I got to the cabin door.

"Pick up the pace Andy." She said fearfully. I nodded and ran out of the room, (Y/N) still the only thing on my mind.

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