Chapter 1

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" In The Walls" is a HeelshireBoi fanfiction that is based on the 2016 film, The Boy.

Warning: This fanfic is NSFW and contains content that might be disturbing to some readers. With that said, it is highly advised that you take a look over the trigger warnings listed in the description before reading.

Thank you and enjoy!

Chapter 1

        " I came back for you like I said I would."

        Brahms silently crept towards you. The tall man leans over. His chin slightly reaches above your head. He was so close you could feel his warm breath move down past your ear. He was wearing a foul looking top that had many stains with black suspenders, and a greenish brown cardigan that brought out his arms. His shirt hung low so you could see hair scattered on his chest. By the looks of him, he needed a shower. He reeked of body odor and was drenched in sweat.

        " Brahms!" You yelled, making him jump up from being startled, " It's time for bed now."

        You start walking backwards, facing towards him to make sure he doesn't try anything. Brahms doesn't reply.

        " You know the rules." You say with a motherly tone.

        You wait until he walks in front of you and enters the room so that you are behind him now. He stops near the end of the bed. You notice he was gripping something in his hand. " You can put that down now." You say gently. He had been holding a weapon this whole time. You were thinking about doing that too, but, he would see you as an even bigger threat if he found out. He put it down on the chest at the foot of his bed. You walk over to the bed and pull the blankets down. Once you finish tucking him in, he let's out a small whimper. Making you remember rule #10. To kiss him goodnight.

        " Not today Brahms, It's your punishment I'm sorry...Be a good boy and sleep." You say with a smile as you get off from the bed. You headed for the door but you were abruptly stopped from doing so.

        Brahms sat up and grabbed your wrist. Not enough to hurt you but enough to stop you from leaving. You turn around and stared at him. " Kiss." he said with his childish voice. His voice cracked in between the words.

        You were hesitant at first. There you were, going to give a grown man a kiss goodnight as if he were a child. You examine his mask. Covered with dirt and little cracks in them. Do I really have to kiss that? You asked yourself. Yes, you do.

        You lean over him, closing your eyes. As soon as they touched his cold mask, you felt a big pair of hands on your shoulders. Moving up to your neck and face. The kissing was becoming more deep. Brahms lifted himself up and continued kissing you. His fingers going through your (h/c) hair. You held up your hands and pushed Brahms away, making your lips part from each other. You hoped he wouldn't get angry and hurt you. You start talking in a shaky voice," Go to bed now, okay?..."

        He just stares blankly at you. Making you nervous and more uncomfortable than you already were. " C'mon, go to bed...I'm sure you're as tired as I am."

        After a few seconds he nodded. Phew. I'm glad he's obeying me. He laid back down in bed, tucking himself in. You shut the door and immediately head off to Malcolm. You go inside the wall that Brahms made a hole in and followed along, letting your fingers tap to lead the way. The moonlight peeked through, gleaming on Malcolm. His body the way it was when Brahms hit him repeatedly with a pipe.

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