Chapter 18

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Note: Get it? Mask-a-Parade and masquerade? It's stupid isn't it. -_-I thought it was cool when I was writing it but now-Idek anymore. Anyways, chips are fries I'm here. The last chapter is coming tomorrow! Thank you for reading this far! ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ *cries

        " Brahms!" I said waking him up," Guess what!"

        I knelt next to him and bounced on the bed, happily.

        " What is it?" He asked.

        " Look," I said as I handed him a flyer.

        " Mask-a-Parade is coming to town..." He read aloud in his deep, raspy morning voice, "People of all ages are welcome. There will be rides, games, prizes, food, and much more. Dress accordingly, you cannot enter without a mask. Will take place on 1207 Bank Hall Street on August 20th, from 10AM to midnight."

        " Which is today! Doesn't it sound like fun?"

        " I don't know.." He said.

        " You can wear your mask there! It's like showing your face without actually showing it. So you wanna go? It'd be a fun date!"

        " I guess." He agreed.

        When I was done with work, which was around 8, we left to go to the parade. I let Brahms take a trip around the mall and buy me a mask while I was working. As we arrived, Brahms took out the bag with our masks in it. He showed me the one he picked out. It was pink with pretty feathers, beads, and gems.

        " Oh my God, Brahms. This is so pretty!" I shrieked.

        " It was a little bit pricey but it was the best one there."

        "It goes good with what I'm wearing," I said as I put on the mask, "How do I look?"

        " Beautiful.." He said.

        Luckily I was wearing a mask, my cheeks were probably as red as a cherry.

        " You look cool," I complimented him.

        We got out of the car and walked a few feet before we reached the entry line. There were a bunch of people with awesome masks and outfits. When we made it to the front they gave us a stamp on the hand and asked if we wanted to take get our picture taken.

        " We can print out your picture whenever you like! Right after I take the picture, or before you leave," said the girl with the camera.

        I looked at Brahms who shook his head vigorously, "Yeah," I said, "We'd love to!"

        I took Brahms' hand and headed over to the green screen, "It's not like you have to smile Brahms."

        " 1...2...3." said the girl as she snapped the pic, "here, how's this?"

        I looked at the picture and smiled. It was so cute! Brahms had his arm around my waist and i was leaning against him with my hand on his chest and one leg lifted up, "Can you print the picture out for us now?" I asked.

        " Sure thing," she said, " You know, you guys are the cutest couple I've seen so far. And the weirdest. You have a beautiful elegant princess and a creepy but handsome boy."

        " Thanks..." we said. Not sure if we should take it as a compliment or not.

        We walked around the area. A portion of the place was blocked off for paraders and floats. There were a few games like, balloon darts, water gun race, picking up ducks, knocking down the bottles, and ring toss. Scattered around were food trucks and food stands selling seafood, Asian food, Mexican food, and some desserts. In the middle was a stage was a DJ and a big dance floor.

       " What do you want to do?" I asked.

       Brahms shrugged, "How about something to eat?"

        " Yeah, let's look around."

        We scanned the menu from every food place and we decided to get seafood. Brahms paid for our meal. I got the fried scallops and chips(fries) with slaw and he got a fish taco with pico de gallo and chips. We sat at the wooden table and ate. Instead of taking off the mask he just lifted it enough so that he could eat.

          " How is it?" I asked.

          " It's good, but really messy," Brahms said while wiping his mouth, " Can I try some of yours?"

           " Yeah," I said as I gave him a bit of everything on a fork and fed him.

            " Mm, tastes better than mine."

            After he finished his food, I still had some of mine left over. Whenever I looked at Brahms, he was always eyeing it.

            " You can have the rest," I said as I handed him the styrofoam box.

             After, we played some of the games.

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