Chapter 9

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Note: You like how I ended the last chapter? Using the same ending line as chapter 4 except I put 'our last goodbye's'. Clever right??  And for the car, it's Brahms' parents car.

Brahms POV:

        Seeing how sad (y/n) broke my heart. After she made the phone call I came out from the walls. I walked over to her and saw her sitting with her head down on her arms. I reached my hand out and tapped her shoulder gently. She lifted her head up and I saw that her eyes were red and puffy.

        " Oh hey Brahms," she said.

        " Hey...Are you okay?"

        " Yeah," she nodded, "I think I'll be okay."

        " I think I'm ready..." I said with confidence.

        " Ready? For what?" She she asked.

        " To go somewhere."

        She looked at me with smiling eyes. She was so happy. This was just the reaction I wanted from her. I don't want to see her cry tears of sadness anymore.

         "Brahms, I'm so proud of you!" (y/n) got up immediately, "Where do you wanna go?" She asked.

        " I don't know," I shrugged, "Anywhere I guess."

Your POV:

        Hmm...Anywhere he said. All his clothes are pretty filthy and not in the best shape...I know exactly where to go!

        " Shopping," I said, "Let's go shopping!"

        It took a minute for him to consider it but he ended up saying yes. I wiped my eyes and we both got ready. I put on my white vans (Damn (y/n) XD) and we headed outside. Of course I sat in the drivers seat with Brahms in the passenger's. Without knowing where the stores were I took off. We were driving for about 5 minutes in silence until I decided to play music. I took the aux cord and before choosing a song I told Brahms that what I listen to is way different and more modern. "Do you really like that music? What do you even call that?" I laughed.

        " I don't know. It's like opera mixed with classical. And yes, I do like it."

        " Well, I was stuck listening to your music, now you're going to have to listen to mine." I said as I played (choose a song that you can sing to).

        I turned up the volume a little and started dancing and singing in my seat. I took a quick glance at Brahms who was wide-eyed and staring back and forth at the road and then to me, " I think you should pay attention to the road." He warned.

        " Why? I'm not getting distracted." I said, then started singing to Brahms in a terrible singing voice, breaking out in giggles here and there. I saw Brahms cringing and he covered his ear for awhile but then got used to it. " C'mon Brahms, aren't I funny?" I started singing again.

        As I was singing I started hearing laughter. It was coming from Brahms. I looked at his face and he looked so happy. His eyes were bright, his smile was shining, he tried to suppress his giggling, but ended up bursting into loud laughter. He looked so precious in that moment. I'm starting to see sides of him I never knew. His happy side.

        After 30 minutes of driving we arrived at a mall called, Emerald Square. After I parked we went inside. Brahms reaction was like a new-born puppy who was brought home for the first time. He examined and touched everything.

        " Stop it Brahms. You look odd, people are staring." I said.

        " Oh sorry, it's just so amazing to me. It's been so long!" He said as he poked a mannequin which nearly fell over if it wasn't for Brahms, who was able to catch it.

        I couldn't help but smile. Stop being so cute goddammit.

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