Chapter 8

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After a couple of phone rings he finally picked up. " Hello?" He said with his sweet voice. I'll never be able to hear it ever again. I didn't even say word yet and started crying again. Loud and obnoxious.

        " (y/n)? Is that you? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asked.

        " Malcolm.." I managed to say.

        " What's going on? What did Brahms do?"

        " I-I have to tell y-you something."

        " (y/n), what's going on?" Malcolm repeated. His tone changed from scared and worried to sad and worried.

        " When you get out of the hospital don't come here. To the Heelshire house." I cried.

        " What are you talking about? Is Brahms making you do this? Don't listen to what he tells you and makes you believe." He said.

        " Stop...Just listen." I said.

        " Okay, okay I'm listening."

        " Malcolm," I cleared my throat, "We can't see each other or talk to each other ever again. You can ask me as many questions as you want but the fact that we won't be able to be friends won't change."

        " (y/n), listen to me okay? Whatever Brahms made you believe, don't listen to him-."

        " No," I cut him off, "This is what's best for Brahms. He wants to change. You'll ruin things if you keep telling me to leave. If I do leave, who knows what will happen."

        " I knew it. I knew I should've tried convinced you more. This wouldn't have happened in the first place."

        " Malcolm, there was no convincing me. I made up my mind. It's my decision. You're making this harder for me."

        " You can leave right now. We can live together okay? You don't have to worry about Brahms. Just stay with me." He said.

        " No Malcolm, just stop! I'm choosing to stay okay? You were such a good friend to me and I'm so glad we met."

        " (y/n)-."

        " Malcolm stop," I said, "Please, just let me be. This is how I want to live okay?"

        Malcolm sighed and then let out a scream. After a minute of silence he said, "Okay...Okay fine. I can't believe you're doing this but if that's what you want."

        " Thank much. I'll-I'll never forget you." I said.

        " Yeah...I'll never forget you either...So I guess this is it huh."

        " I guess so...I love you...and I'll miss you!"

        " Right back at you...I-I have to go now. I have to sign some papers." He said.

        " Okay, you take care alright?"

        We said our last goodbye's and hung up.

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