Chapter 15

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Note: No new friends, no new friends, no no no. Hahaha, if you get what I just did there. Also, I AM SOOO SORRY. I forgot to put pictures! On some chapter there are some notes where I talk about the picture and I didn't even put one up. But, to upload the pics you need the URL..Why can't I just upload them from my phone?? *sad face*

WARNING: This chapter and the next includes parts that may be sensitive to some readers.

        Matt entered with a box of beer and Sarah with a huge bag of food.

        " You can put those on the table in the pool room." I said as I guided them. Sarah took out two bags of chips, dip, buffalo and barbeque wings, with a veggie platter.

       " Wow, you didn't have to get all that," I said," ...Actually, thankfully you did. I don't have any food at the moment..."

        " Is this like a new house or something?" Jess asked.

        " Yeah, I bought it yesterday actually."

        " So let's make this a house warming party!" Sarah said.

        " Okay," I laughed.

        After, we played some music, ate, and drank together. It was starting to get late. I was worried about Brahms. He hasn't ate anything in a long time. While everyone was busy dancing together I grabbed some food and a beer upstairs. When I came back down they asked where I went.

        " Bathroom." I replied.

        Later, Matt came over to me with two glasses of wine. He held out one of them for me.

        " Oh no thanks," I said, "I don't drink that stuff. Only wine coolers haha."

        " C'mon, what are you going to drink then?"

        " You're right," I said as I took the glass from him and took a small sip. The wine had some weird white stuff in it.

        " That a girl!' He cheered, "How does it taste?"

        " Horrible." I said while taking another sip.

        When I finished my first glass I started feeling dizzy. The room started turning and I suddenly collapsed on the ground. After, I saw three figures approaching me. I couldn't speak or move, my body had no energy.

        There was something in that drink.

        " Take her clothes off," I heard Matt say.

        " Of course," Jess said.

        They were all intoxicated.

        I opened my mouth to scream but I couldn't. Brahms was just upstairs. I needed a way to get him down here.

        " Aw, look at her. She's trying to scream." Sarah said.

        Matt unbuckled his pants and pulled them down. Tears came rushing out of my eyes. Then began to rape me. I looked at Sarah and Jess for help but, it was hopeless. They were recording me and laughing. I tried getting up a few times but was pushed down. It didn't take much to hold me down. Matt just put on hand on my shoulder and pressed a little, which was enough to keep me from moving. After, when Matt was done, there was a loud bang coming from the stairs. Everyone stopped from what they were doing. Brahms came out which made Jess and Sarah scream. Brahms ran at them and struck both of them in the face, making them knock out cold. Matt got up off me and stood. Brahms looked down at me and back at Matt. He looked at the sight. His pants undone and me laying there with only a bra and panties made Brahms explode into even more anger. Brahms grabbed Matt by the neck and started choking him. The grunts coming from Brahms were aggressive as he started slamming Matt's head onto the table. Every time his face was lifted from the table, it would get more and more disfigured. Brahms came towards me after.

      " I'm so sorry, (y/n)," he cried, "I should've came here before this happened."

      It's not your fault. It's mine.

      I found some strength to lift my hand to touch his cheek.

      "...I need to hurt your hand on something." He said, "To make it look like you were the one that punched them, okay? I'm sorry love, it will only sting a little.."

      Brahms took my (r/l) hand and made it into a fist. He grabbed one of the books from the shelf and counted down.

      " One, Two...Three," he said as he slammed the book on my knuckles. My mouth opened wide and I let out a soft, muffled scream. It would've been much louder if I was able to. I looked at my hand and saw that it was badly bruised.

       Brahms started kissing them to make the pain go away, "I'm sorry I hit you so hard. I need to make it seem real." After, he handed me the phone to call the police.

      " I have to go before they get here. Call after about 10 minutes okay? When they ask you questions tell them all you remember was what happened before all of this."

       Why did this have to happen? If I never believed that they wanted to be my friend this wouldn't have. I wish I listened to Brahms in the first place. He wouldn't have had to kill them. I wouldn't have been raped. We wouldn't have had this problem.

       Brahms kissed my forehead and left. When the ten minutes past, I called the police. I dialed the number and just listened to the operator.

      " 9-9-9 what is your emergency?"

      " Hello? Can you talk?"

      I let out a small cry.

      " Don't worry, we're tracing the line right now. We'll be there soon. Stay on the line."

       The operator could hear me crying, "It's alright, calm down. The cops are on the way." She said in a sweet voice.

       Before they arrived Jess and Sarah began waking up.

      Perfect timing.

      The cops had arrived and arrested them both. I was brought to the hospital along with Matt, who ended up dying later.

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