Chapter 6

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Note: Sorry if you liked Malcolm! And, sorry about the short chapter! It's not that I rushed through it or didn't put in my all. It's just a bit short, that's all! Also, this is a picture of what Brahms could look like. If you don't want it to leave it to your imagination or refer to the fanart. If you know who the person is in this picture let's be friends. Even if you don't let's be friends too but you should find out because he's my bias in a Kpop group. They did a photoshoot and I was like omg his hair is like Brahms except brown.

Your POV:

        You spent hours just laying in bed, looking up at the ceiling.

        What time is it?

        You look at the clock, it reads 5:17pm. I guess it's a good time to make dinner.  I head downstairs and to the kitchen. I open the fridge and look at what I have to work with. Beef, chicken breast, broccoli, onions, carrots, celery, and mushrooms. Hmmm, not really in the mood for chicken. I grabbed the beef from the fridge and placed it on the table along with broccoli and an onion. I decided to make a stir-fry. After 40 minutes of preparing it, because I'm such a slow cooker, I plate it with rice. Assuming that Brahms smelt the food and was watching me now, I called for him, " Brahms, dinner's ready!" As I made my way upstairs I accidentally ran into him. " Oh, sorry Brahms! Uh, dinner's on the..ta-ble.." I stuttered on the last word because as I was looking up I saw that his chest was hairless. He wore brown suede jeans, a white shirt that wasn't buttoned all the way with a brown, red, and blue diamond cardigan. When my eyes reached his face I saw that he wasn't wearing his mask! Scars were scattered, one under his left eye, a big one on his right cheek, and on the side of his forehead. Aside from the scars he was so handsome. His innocent looking brown eyes that were hiding his horrible past, his thin peachy lips, sharp jaw-line, pale face, curly black hair that hung over his forehead. (He looks like the story cover except picture it as a human face, not a mask). I lifted my hand and outlined his scars with my finger. I guess that made him uncomfortable because his eyes kept looking everywhere else except me, but, he still let me touch him. We were getting one step closer. This was a sign that he is willing to open up a little bit with me.

        He cleared his throat and I took my hand off his face, " Can we...have, uh, dinner together today? I need, uhm, to talk to you about something." His voice was quiet.

       I nodded, " Y-yeah, sure."

       We seated ourselves at the table, Brahms at the head and me on the left side. As we were eating I stared at him. We were like silent newlyweds. As he took his first bite I asked if he liked it. He nodded. " It's a lot different from what I usually eat but it's still really good."

      I laughed. The way he said it sounded forced. He's so nervous to talk to me. He was so shy, shy-er than I was and I never thought that was possible. That's something that we both have in common. We're both shy, introverted, and maybe he'll end up getting more comfortable and end up showing another side of his personality. As we were cleaning up I asked what he wanted to talk about since he didn't talk about anything while we were eating. " It must be something important." I said.

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