Chapter 11

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Note: There contains mature content in this chapter. Trust me it's not smut haha.

      The next day I went to get the mail and saw a big, heavy box on the ground near the mail box. I had trouble picking it up so I asked Brahms to. He picked it up so easily, as if it were a box of feathers. He wore the jacket I picked out for him yesterday at the mall. We were planning to go there again because I needed to find a job and they were hiring at a bakery and pastry shop in the mall called Sweet Tooth.

        Me and Brahms sat in the living room floor together.

        " What do you think it is?" I asked.

        " I'm not sure. It doesn't say who it's from." Brahms answered.

        I grabbed the box cutter and revealed three black bags. We took each of the bags out and unzipped them. I pulled out a bundle of cash that was wrapped around in paper to hold it together. My thumb moved across the edge of the money. All of them were hundred dollar bills.

        " It's my parents money," Brahms said, "they sent it here before they..."

        Brahms couldn't finish his sentence. He stood up and I saw tears coming out from his eyes. I dropped the cash in my hand and got up immediately. " I don't understand why they had to leave me. They said that they couldn't live with what they let me become." He turned around, "they did everything for me...I can't believe their gone."

        My heart sank. It's good that you're crying. It means you have feelings. The reason why is terrible and I could never imagine how it felt to know that both of your parents committed suicide instead of trying to help their son. They didn't give in any effort. I walked towards Brahms and opened my arms to hug him. My little arms wrapped around his waist. My head lied on his back, his body felt so warm. Brahms turned around and looked down at me. Tears stopped coming out but there were wet trails down his cheeks. I wiped them off with my thumbs and Brahms rested his hands on mine. He stared at my lips and at that moment I knew what came next. He leaned his head down lower and came to a stop. To show that I was okay with it I lifted myself up. Our lips touched and before you know it we started kissing. One after another. I wrapped my hands around his neck as I lost myself on his soft lips. His hands were on my hips and his thumbs began rubbing them. A small moan escaped my lips as we broke the kiss. I looked up at Brahms, he stared at me with lustful eyes. Then, he smiled and lifted me up bridal style. "What are you doing?" I asked, still laughing.

      " Shh, don't ask questions." He said. His voice suddenly grew husky. I didn't say another word as he carried me up the stairs. 

      " My room or yours?" He asked.

      " Mine." I said.

      He nodded and walked into my room. We continued where we left off except we lie on a bed. His kisses ran down my neck and started sucking on my skin. Leaving invisible hickeys that will make an appearance later on. We began taking each other's clothes off. He stared at me in amazement. It was his first time seeing a girl like this in person. It was a little awkward. Brahms noticed that I was getting uncomfortable so he stopped.

        " I'm sorry. I've never.."

        " I know." I said, "Just follow my lead."

        Our kisses were deep and passionate. Our hands interlocked as we were, you know. It was really cute even though we were both really shy.

     " Brahms, move a little more to the left." I said. I didn't mind that he didn't know what he was doing. I guided him along the way and afterwards it felt a lot better. He loosened up and but and started going with the flow. You couldn't even tell it was his first time. After we finished I laid next to him. My head laid on his chest and his arms wrapped around me. After, we fell asleep but woke up later at 4:30 in the afternoon.

Author's Note:
Before you make a comment about wanting more details please read below: (It was also stated in the beginning that there was no smut...)


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