Chapter 2

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Note: POV means "point of view" and (y/n) means your name. Please, if you are reading this give me some feedback. Even if it's negative. It could just be if you are enjoying, ways I could improve, the feels you are getting, etc. It helps me out and gives me tons of motivation. I will appreciate it a lot. Thanks for reading and have a good day/night! ^.~ <33

Your POV:

I kneel next to Malcolm's lifeless body. The back of his head was painted a dark red and purplish color. I put one hand on his chest," Malcolm." I whisper, " Wake up."

Seeing that it wasn't working I began shaking him gently. A deep grunt came from his lips. " Malcolm?" I asked.

He blinked his eyes a few times to adjust his vision," (y/n)? What happened?" He said as he sat up.

" Are you okay? What do you remember?"

" I think I'll be fine." He assured, but a few seconds later he winced at the pain of him touching the back of his head, which left a bright red stain on his fingers. He wiped it off with the sides of his pants. " I-We were trying to get away from Brahms and then...I told you to leave...Why are you still here? Go! Before he comes back!" He demanded.

" Sh, sh, it's okay." I said, trying to calm him. " Brahms is asleep. I don't think we have to worry about him for awhile. He listened to me when I told him to go to bed. I think it's safe to look after him still."

" What?! Are you saying you're going to keep taking care of him?" He coughed," You're crazy."

"...I know it's a bit insane. Maybe we're risking our lives here but, if he wanted us to die he would've killed us by now, don't you think?" I said, trying to help the situation.

" (y/n), are you listening to yourself right now? Did he not just attempt to kill me 10 minutes ago?!" He exclaimed.

"...Maybe he was just really angry about Cole and how he smashed the doll. He wasn't quite finished unleashing his anger."

Malcolm laughed and shook his head. He stood up and said," Wasn't quite finished unleashing his anger?" He quoted me. " He could've killed me, (y/n). He could've killed us. If we stay here and something like that happens again-."

" It won't." I cut him off.

" How are you so sure?" He asked.

" I just know, okay!"

He sighed," There's no convincing you is there."

I silently shook my head while staring at the ground. It stayed silent for a while until I told him I should get him to the hospital.

" But, you can't tell what really happened. And after I bring you I'm going to come back." I told Malcolm. Letting him know I meant it when I said I'm still going to take care of him. After coming back from the hospital it was about 5 o'clock in the morning. I yawned, making my way upstairs. Going to the same hallway to where Brahms room was located. My room was across from his. Trying to make no noise I unlocked and slowly opened the door. Locking it once I got in.

Brahms POV:

I waited a few minutes after (y/n) left to clean up the mess downstairs. His body was starting to stink up the place. There was blood on the wood floor that could easily be cleaned up. I took his body and stuffed it in a trash bag. After I buried him in the garden, I started cleaning the house. I fixed the doors that I broke, cleaned up the glass from the mirror, and fixed the wall.

Your POV:

Surprisingly, that night, I was able to sleep well. Still feeling a little sleepy, I looked at the clock by the side of my bed. "1:30pm??" I read. Well, I was really exhausted last night and did stay up for a long time.

I wonder if Brahms is awake yet...

I get up and open my curtains. The sunlight touches my cold skin. I look in the mirror and see that I'm covered in dirt. I look disgusting. I give my armpits a quick sniff and gag. I need to take a shower. I smelled just as bad as Brahms last night. When I was applying my shampoo and conditioner I couldn't help but keep my eyes open. I'm a little paranoid from when Brahms snuck into the bathroom to steal my clothes. What was more disturbing was the fact that he used it to dress a doll he made of me. I don't want to imagine the things he did to it. Probably living his erotic fantasy with it. Ew. Why am I thinking like that. But, then again it's probably true. After taking a shower I put on a cute pastel pink shirt, a white floral kimono, light blue skinny jeans, and some bunny slippers. I don't want to wear shoes in the house. It's rude. Oh my gosh, (y/n). Do I really care about showing hospitality here? I'm really going crazy.

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