Chapter 14

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With the money Mr. & Mrs. Heelshire left us, we bought a new house. If anyone finds the body of his parents, police will show up at their house so we had to leave right away. Brahms and I cleaned up really well to take away evidence that we were there.

        The house was two-story. It had a garage, a kitchen, a bar in the basement, an attic, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 6 closets, a living room with a fireplace, and a little spot near the living room for reading. I stored most of his books in the book shelf, the rest were put in the attic. It felt really cozy here, as if I were at home. Brahms was still trying to get used to it. It was different but he liked it a lot more, since this place was less creepy. The house wasn't far from the mall so I was able to work at the cafe still.

     A few weeks passed and work has been much better than before. I arrived home from work and found Brahms sitting in the living room reading.

     " Brahms guess what!" I said as I sat next to him.

     He placed the book down on his lap.

     " You know how the people at my work didn't like me?"

    " Yeah." He nodded.

    " They apologized and said they wanted to be my friends!...And I'm having them over as guests today."

     Brahms looked unhappy, "No." He shook his head. He bolted up and looked a me, "No guests remember?"

     " Brahms, please-."

     " No!" He yelled which made me jump, "...Tell them you are not feeling well or something. They can't come here. Even if it's a new house some of the rules still apply. Especially the rule of having no guests."

     Not long after we heard knocks on the door. " I knew you were going to say that so I told them to come here after work." I told him.

     Brahms turned towards the wall and pounded his hand on it before heading upstairs to hide.

     I opened the doors and saw Sarah, Jess, and my manager Matt. " Let's get this little party started!" Jess said as she raised two bottles of wine.

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