Chapter 13

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I put on the only white button-up shirt I had and some black skinny jeans. I left for work and Brahms came with me. He really liked going to the mall. He stayed outside of the cafe on the bench near the pretty fountain. Sometimes he would get up and walk around, but not for long. He'd then come back and sit.

     The first day of work was fun. The customers were so nice. The only thing that I didn't like much was the manager and employees. I'd always catch the manager checking me out and bosses me around more than the others. Maybe because it's my first day, but something is definitely off about him. And the employees, they give me dirty looks all the time. I would ask for help and they'd reply with a mean tone. Like one time, I asked for help because I forgot how much vanilla syrup to put and a worker named Sarah asked, "Can you read? I put it on that notepad over there." I replied with a, "I'm sorry it's my first time I'm-."

     " Nervous? You're so nervous that you can't read??"

     That was one rude incident I had.

     " Hi, what can I get for you today?" I asked to a girl in her teens. She wore a short pink skirt with a pink tank top that was so showy you could see her bra.

     " Uh...Can I just get a venti iced skinny Cinnamon Dolce latte with soy milk..."

     " Will that be all?" I asked.

     " I wasn't done!" She snapped, " I want half the pumps of the Cinnamon Dolce, with foam and whip cream, one scoop of the salted caramel thingies, well mixed with cinnamon on top and a drizzle of chocolate syrup."

     " I-I'm sorry could you repeat that a little slower?"

     " Oh my gosh. How did you even get a job here?" She yelled.

     The manager then came over and helped out. He got the order done right away. I looked at him, "I'm sorry."

     " It's okay. Happened to me the first time I heard her order. She only gets that and after the 5th or 6th time you start to memorize it." He patted my back telling me to get back to work.

     After 6 hours of working it was time to leave. Whenever work ends the manager lets us make our own drink to take home and a leftover pastry or desert. I grabbed a brownie and made a hot caramel drizzle coffee for Brahms to eat and drink. As I was walking to him someone had bumped into me. It was one of the people who worked with me. His name was James. He had thick eyebrows and light messy brown hair and was pretty short for a guy. The coffee spilt all over him and the brownie was crumbled in my hand. It covered his white shirt. The shirt clung to him so you could see his stomach through it. He screamed in pain and looked at me, eyes blazing and nostrils flaring. I just stared at him in shock.

     " I-I-I'm sorry!!" I apologized.

     " Oh bloody hell!" He yelled, " You stupid girl! I was just about to go back to work after my girlfriend broke up with me and then this happened."

     " I'm sorry." I repeated.

     " You think I give a sh-t? Why don't you quit your job and go work somewhere else? You're lucky I'm a man. If I wasn't I would've beaten the loving shit outta you!"

     I felt my eyes starting to water.

     " Aww, you gonna cry now? You big baby! Go back to America!"

     I put my head down and let my hair fall over my face to hide. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I was nudged aside and then I heard James speak again, "Who the hell are you?"

     I peeked up through my hair and saw Brahms who moved in front of James. He stepped closer so that he was now towering over him. Brahms mumbled something to him and the small man scrunched up and held his hands up, "Alright alright no need to do that...I'll apologize okay?"

     James turned to me, "I'm sorry, (y/n). Really really sorry."

     I gave a little nod to say it's okay. He looked at me and Brahms one more time before going in the cafe. The crowd of people around us continued to what they were doing.

     " Let's go home now," Brahms said.

     I grabbed his arm and clung to it before walking, " Brahms?" I asked.

     He looked down at me.

     " What did you say to him to make him apologize?"

     " Nothing...Don't worry about it..." He replied.

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