Chapter 3

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Note: Instead of twenty years, I'm making it sixteen so he can be twenty-four instead of twenty-eight. In this story you are twenty-three. Also, sorry I didn't mention anything about the ex's body. Just know that Brahms buried him in the garden while they were on their way to the hospital. I'm so rusty, I need to be oiled. Okay that sounds weird. O.o

I unlock my door and step outside. Feeling the cold floor even with fuzzy slippers on. I stare at Brahms' room. Thinking if I should see if he's awake or not. I walk over to his door and gently press my ear on it. I don't hear anything. I turn around to leave but I just had to see what he was doing. I kneel down and look through the little key hole. I know I shouldn't but curiosity took over me. My eyes widen at the sight. Brahms was in his room shirtless. Judging by the look of his body I could tell he still takes the time to work out. He wasn't that built but he wasn't average either. I'm guessing he just got out of the shower. His curly black hair was dripping wet. He was walking to grab his muscle shirt and cardigan from last night but stopped. He let go of the shirt and turned his head towards the door. My heart started racing and my body began getting hotter and hotter. He started walking to the door at a fast past but I managed to make it look like I was about to knock on the door before he opened it. There he stood, shirtless. My eyes tried not to look down but I couldn't help myself. After looking for a quick second I was able to keep my eyes from staring back down. I noticed his mask was a lot cleaner and I could see his deep, brown eyes. There were lots of things I was learning about him in that moment. He tilted his head slightly to the side and then back. Realizing that I just checked him out. Why do I feel my cheeks getting hot?

To break this long silence and staring I turned around.

" I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to make a late breakfast" I gulped," ...I'm sorry I woke up late. Y-You must be hungry..."

Why is my voice so shaky?

After another moment of silence I head downstairs. I cooked up some bacon, homemade hash browns, and scrambled some eggs. While I was pouring two glasses of orange juice I heard the screeching of the floor boards. I turn and see Brahms sitting in the chair. I place the glass down besides our plates. " Don't worry, I'll wait for you to eat first. I'll be upstairs." I said, acknowledging his privacy. " After we can do something, okay?" I said as I left the kitchen. I stopped near the staircase and waited until I heard him eating. After a few seconds I hear the sound of silverware moving. Good, he's eating.

I waited 30 minutes before going back downstairs. During those minutes I was thinking about how bored he must always be. Copying and pasting the same routine for sixteen years and being treated like an eight year-old by his parents. I kinda feel sorry for him. I feel like I can really help him. Keep him in the right track and maybe fix his health mentally. I am here for a reason. To help someone in their desperate time of need.

After I finished eating I tried looking for Brahms. I searched everywhere. I was on the verge of giving up but there was one thing that I didn't do. Knock. I stood against the wall and knocked a few times.

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