Chapter 19

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We went to the ring toss first. We weren't able to win anything there. Then we went to the water gun race. It was me against Brahms, two little children, and a few adults.

        " Ready! Go!" Said the man behind the counter.

         I squirted my gun at the moving and swirling target. Following it around in circles.

         " Ooh, looks like number 7 is in the lead! Number 6 is close behind. And oh, it's not looking good for 4." Said the man.

         Brahms was close behind me. And at the last second it looked like we were tied. But the light across from me glowed and the bell started ringing.

          " We have a winner! Number 7! You can pick anything on this middle row right here."

           " I'll have the cow please!" I said.

           Next we went to the duck game. There are a bunch of ducks moving around and you pick up any one. When you look at the bottom there is a color. If you get a yellow, you pick a small prize, a green is a medium prize, a blue is large, and red is any prize. I went first and I ended up getting a small duck. Brahms got the color blue. He chose a brown teddy bear that held a heart that said "I Love You" on it. He held it out in front of me.

             " For you," he said. I took the teddy bear and hugged it like a little kid. Brahms grabbed my hand and pulled towards him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and looked down at me. He kissed the top of my head, " How about we leave this place and go home?"

             I agreed and we left. When we arrived home we both changed into our pajamas and laid on the couch together. We faced towards the tv. Me in front, pushed up against Brahms. There wasn't much space on the couch for the both of us to be lying there but we were still comfortable. We had a blanket covering us, candles were lit, and the warmth of Brahm's body were relaxing. Later, Brahms started shuffling around. He put his arm around my waist and his leg was wrapped around me as well. He dug his head in my neck. I could feel his chest rise and fall, his breaths ran along my collarbone.

            I wish we could stay like this forever.

            " (y/n)..." Brahms said in a quiet voice, "Are you awake?"

           " Yeah," I said.

           " I never really tell you how or what I'm feeling. I keep those things to myself most of the time. I'm greatful to have you in my life. You changed me for the better and I can't ever repay you for doing that. Thank you for helping and staying with me."

            I turned around to face him. Our faces were really close to eachother's, " You can repay me by loving me forever and staying by my side no matter what," I said.

            I brought my hand to his cheek and he closed his eyes at the touch. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. Then, he looked at me with those deep brown eyes and kissed my lips.

            " Then I'll love you forever, and I'll stay by your side no matter what." He said.

The End.

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