Chapter 10

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As we were walking I spotted an H&M. " Brahms," I hit his shoulder," let's go to H&M! They have clothes that I think you'll really like!" I said.

        He agreed and we went inside. " Okay, you can get two outfits from here. I'll help you!" We separated and looked for some clothes. After 15 minutes we met up and he showed me what he found. He held up a grey sweatshirt, blue jeans, and a pair of black canvas sneakers. I nodded in approval, he was pretty fashionable. After I showed him what I picked out. A long sleeved blue blazer, a pastel blue button-up shirt to go inside, white pants with a brown belt, a watch, and brown shoes. He said he liked them and we went in line. As it was going to be our turn something caught my eye. " Wait here, I'll be right back!"

        " Wha-"

        " Just stay here," I said.

        I went over to the men's side again and grabbed a jacket that looked like the one little Brahms once owned. I came back and gave it to the lady at the counter. " I'm sorry I just saw that jacket and had to get it." I said to the lady, " I hope I didn't keep you waiting!"

        " Nahh, it's fine! I really love this jacket! You're buying this all for him?!" she said, then looked at Brahms, " You're a lucky man." She tried to whisper.

        " Oh no, we aren't, we're not-"

        She cut me off, " Ah, young love. Such a wonderful thing. You too little lovebirds have a good day now!"

        I smiled and waved goodbye. Brahms and I gave each other a 'well that was awkward' look before leaving.

        " Where are we going now?" He asked.

        " To get some bubble tea!" I saw a little station before we walked in and decided to go there. It was called, Bobalicious and it sold froyo, bubble tea, and smoothies. " Have you ever tried it before?" I asked.

        " Never even heard of it."

        I ordered two mango bubble tea's with boba. I handed him the cup and straw.

        " You just take the wrapper off the straw and stab the lid," I said as I demonstrated it.

        Brahms copied me and then took a large sip, " Be careful! You're gonna get a brain freeze!"

        But it was too late. The cold blizzard got to his head and Brahms winced while touching his forehead. After hiding my laughter I told him it was time to go. On the way home I stopped by Taco Bell and ordered 4 steak chalupas. As we arrived home Brahms thanked me," Thank you, (y/n). Today was the funnest day I've ever had in my life."

        " You're welcome." I smiled, "There'll be plenty more to come!"

        We got out of the car and went into the house.

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