Chapter 17

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A week passed since then. Everything was back to normal except, Brahms wasn't there. He hasn't came back yet. Every morning before I go to work I sit on the steps to my house. Waiting for him to come. At night, I can't sleep knowing that he isn't by my side. And when I do sleep, it's because I was crying.

        When he doesn't come, I go back inside with the door opened but the screen door shut, so I can still look out to see if he'll show up. I called my new boss and tell him I can't work today.

        " Again?" he asked, "This has been the 4th time already. If this keeps happening I'm gonna have to fire you."

        I head to the living room and curl up into a ball on the couch. I begin crying obnoxiously loud. Tears flowing out like waterfalls. Brahms left me.

        It's nighttime now and I start getting sleepy. I haven't gotten up from the couch since. Only getting up occasionally to use the bathroom. Suddenly, I feel warm, strong arms embracing me. I know that touch anywhere. It felt like Brahms. I'm having another dream about him aren't I. And it will always end the same. I wake up and it's all just a dream. I open my eyes and let out a growl. Angry that it isn't real and that he wasn't here. But, I could see big figure and curly black hair. And it wasn't fading away. His head was buried in the side of my neck. He was kneeling down in front of me.

        " Brahms." I said.

        I felt his head nod against my skin. Tears were unable to come out since I cried so much before. I pulled him away from me so I could see his face. His eyes full of guilt and sadness.

        " Where have you been?" I asked," I thought you left me."

        " I would never leave you." He said.

        He held my face and kissed me.

        " I'm so sorry. I love you, (y/n). I didn't know when to come back. I thought about you every second."

        " I missed you." I said.

        Later, I explained what happened while he was gone. He was glad that they decided not to look into the case that much. He thought Sarah and Jess should've been sentenced to life instead of 30 years.

        " You should take a shower, it's been 7 and a half days since you've one." I said.

        Brahms looked down at himself and agreed.

        " Care to join me?" He joked.

        " Yeah right," I laughed, "Maybe next time."

        " Are you serious?" He asked.

        " Just hurry up and take a shower, you smell!"

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