Chapter 7

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" Yeah, it's uh...So, I decided that I'm going to change. The decisions that I made when I was younger were horrible. But, that was the past and I've gotten better. I have. I-I don't have any disability or disorders, just a bit of a temper. But, that's all and it's something that can be helped," Brahms said.

        I nodded," I understand. That's great! I'm glad you've decided to make changes in your life. What made you want to change?"

        "...You did." He said," (y/n) you made me realize right from wrong. I thought about what you said and it made me want to change. And you don't have to worry about the rules anymore, I'll learn to get over them."

        I thought about what happened a few hours back. I shouldn't have asked those questions. What was I thinking? I was just so angry.

        " I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I don't know why I asked those questions. I don't know why I was trying to get you to go outside of the house so quickly. It's just so miserable staying inside, doing the same thing over again. I don't think I can get used to it." I said.

        He nodded," I've been doing it for 16 years so I've learned to get accustomed to it. And, no need to apologize. What you said was right. And I'm glad you said it. Thank you."

        I smiled, " You're welcome. I'm glad I could help."

        Wow, this is the most I've heard him talk. I guess he's serious about it.

        Brahms looked down, "But, there's one thing that I need you to do."

        " What is it?" I asked, feeling uneasy.

        " I want you to tell Malcolm to never come here again."

        I started to feel the heat on my neck, "Why? What did Malcolm ever do? If anything he's helped you and I don't see why he would need to go."

        Brahms put his hand on the back of his neck, "I know what he says to you. He tries to make you leave. He doesn't think it's a good idea to stay with me. I don't blame him but it's just going to ruin everything. He doesn't like me. He's going to make you leave me."

        I ran my fingers through my hair, "Fine. I'll tell him to stay away from us and this house. If you promise to change. I'm not so sure I believe you. It's not going to be easy." Why did I just agree so easily?

        I lifted up my pinky. Brahms just stared at me like I was a weirdo.

        " What?' I asked.

        "...Why are you doing that? With your pinky?"

        I started laughing, " It's a thing people do when they make a promise and are going to keep that promise with someone...Like this." I said while taking Brahms hand. My small fingers made Brahms pinky stick up. His pinky was about the size of my index finger. We wrapped our pinkies around each other.

        " And that's called a 'pinky promise'-or 'pinky swear" same thing."

        After, Brahms just stared at me. We were still interlocking pinkies. To break the awkward staring I let go and took a few steps back.

        " I guess I'll break the news to Malcolm tomorrow." Tears began forming in my eyes and I turned away. I tried biting back my tears but they came out anyways, " I'm sorry, Brahms. It's going to be so hard. He's just getting out of the hospital after getting stitches. You cut his head open...And then he's going to hear me tell him that we can't see each other again." My voice grew softer and quieter but very shaky. I wiped my tears away and looked at Brahms. I saw sorrow and sadness in his eyes. That was the last thing I said to him that night. I walked over to the sink and began doing the dishes. By the time I was done Brahms had disappeared. To his room in the walls or the one upstairs. I stayed in the kitchen and sat at the dining table with the rotary phone in my hand and started dialing. I can't tell him face to face.

In The Walls (Brahms x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now