Chapter 12

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After waking up we put our clothes back on. I was wearing a blue jean skirt with a long sleeve black and white striped shirt and black booties. We went back to the mall to continue what I was going to do, to get the job application. Brahms waited on the bench outside the cafe. There was a man in a black uniform, different from all the others. I guess he's the manager.

     " Hello, may I have one of your job applications please?" I asked.

     The man checked me out and then said, " Yeah, I'll get them for you. One sec." He went through the double doors that read Employees Only and came back with the papers. "Why don't you fill out those papers now and when you come back I'll hire you right away."

     " What? A-are you serious?" I asked grabbing the papers and pen.

     He winked, "Of course, you fit the job perfectly. You look like a barista and you're pretty so you'll charm everyone."

     What is this guy even talking about?

     " O-okay, wow. Thanks!..I guess I'll be back." I said.

     I exited the cafe and told Brahms what happened.

     " Wow, that's great. You got the job already!" He said.

     I filled the papers out and gave them to the manager. I tried looking for his name tag but he didn't have one.

     " My names Matt btw," he said. I guess he saw me looking. " Why don't we discuss things more in the back?"

     " Yeah," I said nodding. I followed him to the employees only area. There were three doors. One on both sides of the wall and one straight ahead. He led me to the one on the left and we sat down. My eyes ran across the room while he was examining my papers. There were lots of trophies, books, and plaques.

     " Do you read all of these?" I asked, pointing to the bookshelf.

     He laughed, " No, they are there to impress. The trophies are mine from high school and college. To intimidate."

     I'm not impressed nor intimidated by you at all...He was pretty handsome though. Nicely combed brown hair, big hazel eyes, a great smile, and dimples. He looked about me or Brahms' age.

     " So..." he said while taking a quick look at the papers, trying to find my name, " (y/n). You can work at any hours any day which is great. For now, you'll be training with the people that will be working with you soon. That requires you to clean well, work quickly, be able to memorize orders and how to make the drink, etc. You start your training tomorrow at 2pm. Wear a white button-up shirt with black bottoms and black shoes and have your hair tied. That'll be all. If you have anymore questions here's my card," He handed it to me," As you can see I do things differently here. I'm kinda throwing lots of info quickly to you but that's how it's going to be here. We are always busy so we gotta do things quick. See you tomorrow?"

     " Y-yeah, thanks," I said as I got up and left.

     That was so much to process. I don't even know some of the things he said. He talks so fast.

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