Chapter 16

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Note: Only 3 more chapters after this! It sucks that it's coming to an end. I really enjoyed writing this!

The doctor kept me at the hospital for the day until I completely felt better. It just takes time for the drug to wear off. After I recovered, a few investigators came into the room.

        " Ello there, (y/n). I'm detective Brady and this is my partner Alice. We're here to ask you some questions."

        " Okay," I said.

        " You tell us everything you remember from that night," said Alice, who held a notepad and a pencil.

        Detective Brady held out a recorder and pushed the button, " I'm here with (y/n), victim of the rape and attack on August 12, 2016. So, what do you remember?"

        " Um, I don't remember much," I said, " I just remember waking up on the floor with my coworkers around me. I saw Sarah and Jess on the floor. And-and...Matt's head laying on the table. There was so much blood. There was no way I could get up and walk. I didn't have a lot of strength to lift my body up."

        " How were you able to get to the phone? If you can't get up, how could you get the phone? You were laying 4 feet away from where the base stand is. There is no way you could've gotten to it," exclaimed detective Brady.

        "..." I stayed quiet.

        " (y/n), was there someone with you?" He asked.

        My palms were getting sweaty. I started getting light-headed as the two looked at me waiting for an answer.

        Detective Brady and Alice looked at each other. He sighed, " We have some evidence that someone was there. That person killed Matt, attacked the two girls, and then gave you the phone to call the police. The thing I don't understand is that there was no forced entry. When we asked Sarah and Jess what they remembered was that they were sure it was only them and Matt who came over for the party."

        " I must've forgotten to lock the door after." I said.

        Alice nodded, " That could've been it. Detective Brady is thinking a bit too much."

        Detective Brady gave me one last look before he headed out the door. Alice stayed with me.

        " So, I have compromised with detective Brady and we agreed that what happened was that they set you up. They planned to convince you that they have changed and decided to be your friend. When they came over they gave you a drink that left you paralyzed for a while. After, the sexual abuse happened and the person who helped you is a hero who we decided to leave out during the sentencing of Sarah and Jess. The judge will give them the sentence tomorrow at 8am in Westminster Supreme Court. As soon as it is decided, you'll be notified. And I suggest you stay with a friend or relative for a few days. We sent some people to repair and clean your house. The bill will be sent to you later."

        When she left I let out a big sigh and laid back down on my hospital bed.

        That was close.

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