Chapter 11

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"Stone cold" the voice of vince yelled through out the corridor
"Vincent" my dad yelled back turning around. Vince motioned for my dad to follow him.
"I'm safe" I mumbled dean laughed
"Anyway I need to talk to you Roman" dean said and left with Roman leaving me and Seth together
"Luc" he said but I kissed him again.
"Lucy go get it" nikki yelled I rolled my eyes and let go of Seths lips.
"I'll be back" I explained but before I jumped of the crate Seth kissed me. I broke the kiss by running after nikki. She lead me to the divas locker room.
"Guess who kissed Seth again" nikki yelled running in with me to far behind her
"Lucy" Paige yelled grabbing my arm and leading me out of the room.
"I need and want all the deats" she demanded I just rolled my eyes.
"Lu" a voice yelled
"Ro" I yelled back turning around to face Roman
"Does Paige want the info" he asked
"Yea" Paige yelled Roman laughed
"Well Renee wants you and I'll tell Paige" he said I nodded
"Where" I asked
"Gorilla" he answered I nodded again and headed to the gorilla.

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