Chapter 25

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Finally we arrived at my gates and got out of the car.
"How much do we owe u" Seth asked
"Nothing if I can see the girls tits" he replied. Judging by Seths face he was fuming.
"My girlfriend is not a slut" he said the driver laughed
"Why would she date u" he asked
"Because he is an amazing person and I love him" I replied. The driver didn't believe us so I grabbed Seths face and kissed him. Damn I missed his lips. When I let go of his lips the driver looked mad
"Fine that will be $25 please" he said and Seth payed after the driver drove off.
"Lego" Dean said and I typed the code in and the gates opened
"Who's there" my dad yelled
"Your darling daughter and her friends" I yelled
"Lucy" my mom shouted running out of the house and giving me a hug
"Hello Seth" my mom said hugging him
"I'm Dean" dean said shaking her hand
"Seth Rollins better not be here" I heard my dad yell before I knew it my dad was running towards Seth.
"DAD STOP" I yelled getting infront of Seth. My dad looked down at me then walked away.
"Dean u have to stay with mom and dad sorry" I said he nodded and followed my mom. Seth grabbed my hand and led me to my house. When we arrived I jumped on my couch.
"I've missed your lips" I said as Seth sat beside me
"Same" Seth said kissing me. This is wrong but I don't care.
"We better get some sleep" Seth said I nodded and we headed upstairs. Seth slept in the guest room.
Suddenly I was woken up by my bedroom window being flung open. I looked and it was the driver from earlier. I wanted to scream but I couldn't.
"Let me see them tits" he whispered ripping my shirt open.
l really wanted him to stop. I tried fighting back but I couldn't.
"Se" I yelled but then he tied a gag around my mouth.
"Call me Louis" the driver said. I tried kicking him but he was having nothing. Louis threw my shirt to the floor and ripped me bra off leaving my boobs in clear sight. I tried screaming but the gag blocked any sound. He started massaging my boobs roughly. I hated it. Eventually I kicked him in the face. Little did know it was a mistake. He grabbed my stomach. It killed even more than before.
"Little bitch" he whispered in my ear. Then he pulled my shorts and pants down. I closed my eyes I knew what was about to happen but I couldn't do anything about it. Louis grabbed a condom from his trousers before pulling his pants down. Suddenly he slammed in to me. It really hurt. His hand massaged my boobs roughly. I wanted it to end. And it did about 10 mins later. He laughed got dressed and left. I pulled the gag of my mouth and put my pjs back on. I felt dirty. I was raped.......

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