Chapter 27

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Lucy PoV
I looked at my phone. It was now Saturday. So I got out of bed. Louis isn't going to be happy. You see every night he does the same thing. What will he do when I'm not here. This week has been horrible.
"Hey princess" Seth said walking in
"Hey" I said with a fake smile
"That smile is faker than Eva Marie's tits" Seth said making me laugh. I wonder how deans doing with my parents.
"Oh yeah Dean is losing his mind so he's being staying in the couch" Seth said. Well now i know how Dean is doing.
"Now tell me how r u" Seth asked
"I don't know" I said looking down. Soft fingers touched my chin and lifted my head up. I looked into Seths brown eyes.
"I'll make u feel better" he said kissing me. I kissed back. Louis would come soon. I don't care. Seth had me against the wall. His left hand on my waist pulling me close to him.
"WHAT IS THIS" an angry Louis yelled from my window. I broke the kiss instantly. Seth looked annoyed and sad.
"YOUR MY BITCH" Louis yelled entering my room. I grabbed Seths hand in fear. Not again. Seth backed me in the corner of the room standin in front of me. This way Louis couldn't come near me.
"Move" Louis demanded
"Get out" I yelled. That angered Louis.
"Stay away from my girlfriend" Seth demanded punching Louis square in the face
"Go to Dean" Seth whispered so I ran downstairs.
"I know what's going on Seths on the phone with me" Dean said. I cuddled up to him on the couch. Eventually i fell asleep.

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