Chapter 41

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It's been 2 hours since the fight and no sign of Seth or summer. I wonder what they are doing. I realised a while ago I left my coat in his locker room. Originally I wasn't going to get it but it's the end of raw and we have to leave soon. Carefully I approached his locker room. I don't know why he had a locker room because we are only here for a night. I waited outside for a while to see if I could hear anything. Unfortunately I heard moans. Water filled my eyes. Violently I kicked the door down. As suspected Seth was there on top of summer with his dick inside her.
"Fucking prick" I yelled hitting him. Then I grabbed my jacket and stormed out. He didn't even try to stop me or apologise. He doesn't even want me.
A/N we are near the end of the book. Warning with the end there will not be a sequel because of how it goes........
Courtney"tapout" Jennings

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