Chapter 23

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Lucy PoV
The results from the spear was bruised ribs. I couldn't wrestle for a week. Which is good cause my dad wanted to talk to me. I'm so happy I have a week with my family ALONE. With no Seth this time. I headed back to mine, brocks and Paul's locker room. For a change Paul wasn't in here
"Hi brock" I said sitting down on the bench he nodded but looked sad
"I have to tell u something" he said I nodded and looked at him
"Well I'm leaving for a while cause I'm going for my final fight in UFC so you will be alone for a while" Brock explained I nodded
"I'll be okay I'll room with the girls" I said
"But no clubbing" he said I nodded with a smile and gave him a hug
"I'm leaving for a week" I said
"I know just stay safe" he said
"Your the one who needs to stay safe please don't get hurt" I begged he laughed and put me in the headlock.
"I'm going to miss u kid" he said letting go of me
"I'm honing to miss u 2" I said hugging him
"Time to go Lucy" a voice from the door said. Brock kissed the top of my head and I grabbed my stuff before leaving. Brock was leaving the day after. I sat in the taxi but then the door opened and Dean and Seth sat down.
"Can I escape you" I said they laughed.

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