Chapter 2

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Lucy pov
It was about 1 in the morning but I didn't care. My body was tired as I approached the hotel gym. It was still open. I walked in and Roman was in there.
"No Dean or Seth" I asked walking over to the weights
"Yeah their asleep" Roman answered
"Why aren't u ro" I questioned
"Deans snoring" he replied we both giggled. Roman walked over to the treadmill as I set up the weights.
"Thx for today" I said
"Seths idea" he said rolling his eyes. Roman turned and looked at me
"What" I asked attaching the last weight
"Your not going to lift that are u" he asked I nodded

 Roman turned and looked at me "What" I asked attaching the last weight "Your not going to lift that are u" he asked I nodded

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"Like to see u try" Roman challenged
"Deal" I answered picking the weights and doing squats with them. Roman stood there shocked.
"I got to record this" he muttered unaware that I could hear him.

Roman pov
I got to say Lucy shocked me when she picked up them weights. She's strong. I got my phone out and secretly recorded her. For Seth. After about 20 seconds I stopped recording.
"I better go it's 2:30" I explained she nodded
"You shouldn't be working our lu not after the fall u took" I told her
"Well I am" she answered back. The girls got sass. I left in the gym and went back to my room.

Lucy pov
It had been about half an hour since Roman left. I was getting really tired but I didn't stop. I was pushing myself. My vision getting a bit blurry and my body about to collapse. It got to that point so I decided to stop. But my arm fell making all the weights on the one side fall off with a Big Bang.

Seth pov
I don't believe Roman left her at 3:00 in the morning. The fall she took was bad and then she got hit on the head. She shouldn't be alone. I was about to enter the gym when I heard a bang.
"Shit" a girl shouted I knew it was Lucy. My legs ran into the gym. The weights along with Lucy was on the floor.
"Lucy?!" I yelled running over to her.

Lucy pov
I could barely see. I heard a voice and then saw someone running over to me.
"Seth" I whimpered in pain
"You ok" he asked I nodded trying to get up but fell into his arms. I shook my head so I could see better.
"Let's get u to bed" he said I nodded attempting to get up again
"Fuck this" Seth yelled picking me up bridal style and carrying me to my room. Nattie answered
"Lu what happened" she asking letting me and Seth in I shrugged my shoulders i didn't even know. Seth carried me to my bed a tucked me in.

Seth pov
I just wanted to kiss when I tucked her in. But I didn't.
"No kiss" she asked I rolled my eyes kissing her in the cheek. She blushed. I went to leave but Natalya stopped me
"Tomorrow we are going to a club want to come?" She asked I nodded

Lucy pov
It was 6:00 at night.
"I don't know what to wear" I shouted Paige came in with a grin on her face
"Where this" she said handing me a dress (the one at the top) I grinned and took it. Nattie did my makeup nude colors.
"The dress is a bit reveling" nattie commented
"Don't wear pants with it" Paige yelled from the living room
"Why"  i shouted
"Because they can see your wearing them" Paige said walking in. There was a knock on the door and nattie answered
"Do as I say" Paige whispered as she left. I rolled my eyes and took them off.
"LUCY" the Bella's yelled hugging me
"Love the dress" Nikki said
"Thanks" I replied
"The boys will be here soon" Brie said i looked at her confused
"Boys?" I whispered
"John Daniel Tyson Randy Dolph" Paige said
"And Seth" nattie added. There was another knock.
"HI BOYS" we all yelled as John cena, Daniel Bryan, Tyson Kidd, Randy orton, Seth Rollins and Dolph ziggler walked in.
"Let's get Brie mode activated" Daniel yelled we nodded and left the room. On the way Eva, Emma and Sasha joined us.

We all took a lot of shots. Probably got wasted with in the first 10 minutes. Oh well. We all sat down and talked. I sat between Randy and Seth. All of us giggled about stupid things. A hand gripped my thigh. I looked up Randy. His hand went up and down my thigh. I looked at Seth and he looked at me
"Randy's hand" I whispered in his ear. Seth laughed as if  I made a joke. His eyes went to were Randy's hand was. Soon his hand entered my dress. I squeezed Seths hand in shock. He looked at were it now was.
"Randy move your hand" Seth yelled over the music. Soon Randy left. All of us had more shots. We were all completely wasted. I tried to get up but Seth pulled me down. I sat on his lap facing him. I felt something hard
"Your cocks hard Seth" I whispered in his ear
"That's what you do to me" he whispered back I smirked and put my hand in his pants feeing his cock. He moaned slightly.
"Let's go" i said taking my hand out and grabbing Seths hand. When we made it outside Seth pushed my back against the wall. I wrapped my legs around his hips and my arms around his neck. I kissed Seth and he kissed back. His kisses soon went down my neck and he bit down on my sensitive spot making me moan loudly. I made him face me as we kissed again. Seths tongue licking my bottom lip asking for permission which I gave him. I moaned again as his tongue explored my mouth.
"LUCY SETH" Paige yelled making us stop and separating from each other. Eva was there with her phone in hand. She recorded it.

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