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I turned on my heel and raced into the women's locker room.
"Lucy was that meant to happen" Paige asked I shook my head.
"They can't do that" nattie said. U could tell she was worried about me cause she was shaking, mumbling and checking for bruises.
"I'm fine nattie" I said escaping her.
"I'm just worried" she said sitting down. Paige went over to check on her. Then the door knocked.
"Come in" Nikki yelled then Alberto del rio appeared at the door.
"Hi is Paige in" he asked Paige nodded and left with him.
"Young love" Naomi said I nodded.
"Have u guys heard about the brand split" Renne asked we nodded knowing it's next week.
"I hope some of us are together" Beckie said we nodded.
"I hope romans drafted on the opposite brand" I said
"He's family but after today I don't blame u" Naomi admitted standing up
"I've gotta see jimmy" she said
"LOVE" Nikki yelled once she left the door. I laughed.
"Love is evil" nattie added I looked at her confused
"What about u and Kidd" I asked
"He's all about Cesaro" she said Nikki and Renee giggled
"Sad times" I said I leaving. I had to find Seth. I couldn't be drafted away from him. Then I saw Shane McMahon.
"Shaneeeee" I yelled jumping into a hug
"Hi Lucy" he said putting me down
"Why are u here" I asked
"I'm running smackdown" he Said then I had an idea.

Me and the hounds Where stories live. Discover now