Chapter 5

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"What was that for lu" a man yelled at me. I turned around to see an angry Seth Rollins. I laughed and rolled my eyes before skipping away leaving the shield standing there confused.

Seth pov
"Seth sethie" Roman yelled
"What" I said confused clearly I tuned out.
"We are on in 5" Dean said I nodded
"Roman help me find Lucy" Paige yelled/demanded he nodded and left.
"How long...."
"Seth you was out for about an hour" Dean said
"And nobody has saw or heard Lucy since she left" my eyes widened as Stephanie McMahon entered the room.
"And...." I said standing up
"Find her" he yelled in my face I rolled my eyes and left.
"LUCY" I yelled

Lucy pov
My eyes opened. I was in the dark. I tried to move but screamed in pain. There was also a a water like substance trickling down my body.
"Help" I tried to yell but it came out as a whisper
"Hi Lucy your finally awake" I voice said
"Summer" I whispered. Then a fist connected with my face
"Correct" summer replied
"Wwhy" I whispered
"WHY why because of you and Seth" she explained. We was still in the dark.
"LUCY LUCY" I heard someone shouting
"Help" I screamed using everything I could and nearly passing out after. The door flew open and there was Seth. I squinted my eyes because it got bright.
"RO PAIGE" he yelled. Then they came. Paige turned on the light
"SUMMER" she yelled leaping on summer and attacking her. Paige and summer was soon fighting outside of the room and Roman was trying to separate them. I was left with Seth.

Seth pov
It was hard to look at her. No offense but she looked terrible bruises already covering her body and blood covering her face. Water formed in my eyes as I approached her. Lucy was all tied up. She looked very weak.
"Lucy" I whispered her eyes opened a bit more as she looked at me
"Help m" was all she was able to get out I nodded and untied her. She soon fell into my arms she was too weak to stand up.
"Can u walk" I stupidly asked her. She stared at me and tried but she fell. Luckily I caught her. So I picked her put bridal style and carried her out of the room.
"Oh my gosh Lucy" Stephanie came over to her. She then looked up at me confused.
"Summer" I said she nodded
"Right Lucy and Seth have 1 week off and if you need any longer just let me know" Stephanie announced at left.

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