Chapter 29

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Lucy PoV
It felt like someone picked me up. But I remained asleep.
"Princess wake up" an Iowan voice said my eyes slowly opened. Then I saw the man that I love. Wait. What. I don't love Seth.
"Hiiii" Dean yelled
"Go away its to early" I said putting my head in Seths chest.
"We are going to Canada today" Seth said I nodded. Raw is tomorrow so it's best we get there early. Slowly I feel asleep in Seths arms. It felt like I was placed in a car.
"Bye darling" I think my mom said it felt like there was 4 people in the car. And it wasn't a taxi. I forced my eyes opened. My dad was driving with Dean next to him l was in the back with Seth
"Hi princess" he said I nodded.
"I'm only dropping u off at the airport and then bret is picking u up" my dad said I nodded
"Wake me up when we are at the airport" I said
"Will do princess" Seth said kissing my forehead before I fell asleep for the 3rd time today.
"Wake up" Dean yelled
"Why" I yelled
"Cause we are in Canada" Seth said. My eyes shot open I had been asleep on the plane. I shrugged my shoulders.
"Bret" I yelled running into my god fathers arms
"These men must be Dean and your boyfriend Seth" he said. I think I went bright red. I forgot to tell bret me and Seth broke up.
"Yeah it's an honor to meet u sir" Seth said shaking his hand. I mouthed thank u and he nodded.
"Yeah an honor" Dean said. Dean didn't really like legends. We got in Brets car and drove to the hotel. Me and Seth sat in the back. All the way Seth held my hand kissing my cheek from time to time.

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