Chapter 4

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Deans pov
It was 8:00 and me and the boys needed to meet up with Sandra to design a new attire for Lucy at 8:30. But there was no sign of Seth.
"Let's see what's taking him so long" Roman said walking into Seths room. He wasn't in there. So we went into Lucy's room. My mouth dropped. Seth and Lucy in bed together. Ro and I both took a pic and put it on Instagram.
"Sethie" roman whispered in his ear shaking him.
"What Roman" he said
"Meeting with Sandra" I said he rolled his eyes and got dressed. We decided to write a note explaining where we was because Lucy was still asleep.

Lucy pov
I woke up at about 10:00 and Seth wasn't there. I walked out into the living room and there was a note
Hi lulu
We had to meet up with Sandra so we will be back in a bit and didn't want to wake you. If we aren't back by 3:00 go to the arena with out us. Check you insta me and Dean are cruel -Roman anyway see ya soon
From Dean and Roman
Love Seth
(A/N that was the end of the letter but I kept writing in that font for a while so Ye)
I giggled and got my phone out. Then there was a knock on the door.
"Hi babe" Paige said with Nikki and Brie behind her
"Come on the boys left" I said welcoming them in. Paige saw the note the guys left and read it out loud.
"I'm checking insta" Nikki told us
"Omg you and Seth slept together" she yelled my eyes widened
"Thanks ro and Dean" I mumbled
Me and Paige went to the arena together after I had my hair died. I walked around until I found Sandra
"Hello Lucy I have your new attire here" Sandra explained handing it me
"Thx" I said hugging her and then walking into the divas locker room to try it on.
"You look hot girl" Cameron said
"I think Seth designed it" Brie added I blushed and walked to the guys locker room.
"Hi Dean" I said before I entered he was also about to go in
"I like the new look and hair" he said
"Thx" I said before walking in. My heart dropped there was Seth making out with summer on the couch. I turned to look at Dean with tears down my face. Dean looked shocked and disappointed in Seth
"Dude what the fuck" Dean yelled making them finally stop. Seth looked at me with a sad face. My anger got the best of me. I walked I walked over and grapes summer by her fake hair and threw he against the hard wall. She fell and from there I punched and punched her. Until I felt strong arms wrap around my waist picking me up and taking me out the locker room.
"Calm down Lucy " Roman demanded I just started him in the eyes. The door to the locker room opened and summer came out being carried by Seth. I smirked evilly at them both.
"Don't do anything stupid" Roman said
"Ro come on I was enjoying the fight" Dean said making me laugh.

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