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Roman PoV
I don't believe I did that. I had no choice. The authority threatened my family. Some how I have to tell her. She won't go near me. I walked down the corridor and met Kane.
"I'm sorry Roman" he said giving me a fist bump. Kane is a pretty safe guy backstage.
"Roman was that" Dean yelled walking towards me. This was the time to tell.
"Dean come here I have to tell u something" I said he looked at me annoyed but nodded.
"The authority the threatened my wife and daughter and said if I didn't join them they would hurt them same thing they did to Seth" I explained. Dean calmed down a bit but was still mad.
"Tell that to her dad" Dean said giving me a fist bump
"She will forgive u" Dean said
"I hope so"
"I'll tell her what u told me"
"Thx bro"
With that Dean walked off. Man I'm a bad person.
"Well done Roman" Stephanie yelled walking over to me.
"U did good" hunter said patting my back.
"I've got to go" I said walking away. Lucy would be at the trainers room. So that's where I headed
"Roman why didn't u tell me I could have helped u" Lucy said running into my arms
"I'm sorry lulu" I whispered
"It's okay roro" she said. 'Me and Seth nodded our heads at each other
"Well I've betrayed the authority" Seth said
"Good on ya" I said. I really didn't want to be in the authority. But at least my family isn't going to be hurt

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