Chapter 39

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I just walked away. I couldn't watch them fight.
"Hey" I said to Sami Zayn who I barely talk to. He's a pretty safe guy.
"Hey there Lucy" he said shaking my hand. Me and Sami continued to talk about our problems until Sasha and R-truth came over.
"Are they good guys" truth asked her pointing at us
"Yeah I think they are" Sasha said back.
"Say hi to Facebook" truth said putting his phone in mine and Samis faces. I laughed and pushed it away. Then strong arms wrapped around me.
"Hey seth" I said kissing his arm.
"I SHIP IT" Sasha yelled truth and Sami yelled.
"What does that mean" Seth asked I laughed and smacked his arm.
"Search it Seth" Sami said. I felt Seth nod before picking me up.
"Seth" I squealed everyone laughed and Seth carried me away
"What happened to Roman" I asked when Seth put me down. Anger spread across his face.
"I'm sorry" I mumbled looking down
"Don't mention his name" Seth yelled. I flinched. Memories of Louis came back. I know I shouldn't ask but I miss Roman in a weird. After all he was my brother for a long time.
"Just don't say his name" Seth yelled I walked away to Sasha and truth.
"We heard shouting" truth said I nodded and Sasha gave me a hug
"I just asked how Roman was" I said then a tattooed arm wrapped around my shoulder.
"JEY USOOOO" I yelled jumping into his arms. I could feel someone staring but I ignored it. Truth was still on Facebook live streaming.
"How's my Austin been" Jey asked
"Good how's my uso been" I asked
"With Roman I don't know" he said I smiled and he carried me to his and Jimmys locker room. Time for the talk

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