Chapter 33

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Lucy PoV
I was backstage at raw with Paige and natalya. Waiting for my new gear.
"How was it" Paige asked
"How was what" I asked
"Going home" natalya added. I felt tears in my eyes.
"She doesn't want people to know" a mans voice said from behind me. The girls nodded. I turned around and saw Seth with my gear. I smiled and walked out of the room with him.
"Thanks you came at the right time" I said
"No problem here" he said passing my gear. Then pulling me close to him.
"I wanna see you in it first" he whispered kissing my cheek then leaving. I stood there with a smile on my face and walked back in the room.
"He kissed your cheek" Paige said jumping up and down. I rolled my eyes and looked at my new gear.
"What did he whisper in your ear" nattie questioned
"Nothing" I said blushing. I walked into the other room and put my gear on.

"What do u think" I asked the girls "Hot" they answered at the same time

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"What do u think" I asked the girls
"Hot" they answered at the same time. I laughed and went to find Seth. I was around the corner when I saw summer. I kept behind the corner and watched her.  She knocked on a door.
"What do u want" Seth said with a towel wrapped around his waist.
"I want u" summer said stroking his abs. At that moment I stormed towards summer.
"Leave" I growled at her. Damn it was hard not to stare at Seth.
"No" summer answered. I rolled my eyes and slapped her hard around the face.
"Yes Lucy" Dean yelled from in the room pulled summer in the locker room and punched her. There was no Roman to stop me. I glanced and saw Seth and Dean eating popcorn. I laughed. Summer was a mess.
"Lucy your on in 5 and your opponent is summer" someone said from the room. Dean laughed and picked me off summer and carried me to the gorilla. My entry music played and I walked out with Dean. When summers music hit Seth walked out with a smile on his face carrying summer. He placed her in the ring and kissed me on the lips. I pinned summer for the 3 count. Seth wrapped his arm around my waist as the authority's music played.
"Where's ro" I whispered
"Dunno" Seth said. Before we knew it the authority was in the ring.
"That was good Lucy" hunter said I kept my death stare on him.
"But you have another match" Kane added Seths grip tightened on my waist. It was beginning to hurt.
"Your new opponent" hunter said then Romans music played and he walked from the crowed. Seths grip some how got tighter.
"Seth your hurting me" I whispered then his grip loosened. Roman looked focused. Seth and Dean got out of the ring with the authority. I went to shake hands with Roman. But he slapped my hand away. Something isn't right with Roman.

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