Chapter 37

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Roman POV
Damn. I couldn't believe I wasn't drafted to smackdown with Lucy. I think she planned this but how could I tell Stephanie that. I'm still shocked she used her dads Finnisher on me. DAMN LUCY. Anyway it was Monday night raw and I was going to beat Kevin Owens for the WWE Universal Title. Concentrate Roman. My music hit and I was back in my zone.
Lucy POV
It was Monday night raw. Stephanie asked me to interrupt romans match and Shane agreed. I waited impatiently for my name to be called. Screw it.
"HIT MY MUSIC" I screamed at the sounds people. Today I was walking around with Romans old hoodie on so nobody knew I was here. When I was on the ramp I turned around and took the hood down. Kevin smirked and Roman stared.
"HI ROMAN" I screamed again damn I'm gonna lose my voice before smackdown. I got up on the apron and Kevin rolled Roman up for the 3 count and grabbed his title. Quickly he grabbed my hand and held it up high with his own.
"Your in trouble" he whispered and left. I looked back at the ring and Roman was there in shock.

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