Chapter 1

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Tyler, meeting, my office, now. Alpha Greyson's voice snapped me out of my running reverie and I groaned, which sounded a little unique in wolf form. He always had to interrupt when I was actually enjoying myself. Oh, Tyler's having fun, better change that.

On my way. I curtly replied, and adjusted my course, spinning in a tight half circle, heading back towards the pack. As I ran I looked around at our expansive lands with pride. The Blood Moon Pack owned over half of California, and we were hardly ever at war because no one dared to anger our Alpha, my stepfather. I myself hated him to the bones. Made me strong he said. Pfft.

As I ran, I watched my shadow as it passed the sun kissed trees, covering ground at an alarming speed. My wolf was strong, larger than a Haflinger Pony, and its fur was the colour of black night. The unique thing about it was that streaks of blue ran through it. As soon as I shifted back, my hair would be the exact same colour. It was pretty awesome. I soon reached the spot where I had hidden my clothes, and shrugged them back on. As I pulled my shirt over my head I nodded to the two guards outside of the Pack House, smirking as they bowed their heads in respect. So they should.

Opening the front door, I detoured through the kitchen and grabbed a bright green apple, biting into it as I jogged up the stairs to the office where Alpha Greyson worked. I didn't bother knocking and walked right in, the finished apple discarded in the bin by my father's desk. Alpha Greyson sat at the desk, Beta Jules standing to the right of his desk with his hands behind his back. Gamma Rick and Dhelta Alex both sat on the couch in front of the bookshelves. Slumping into the chair in front of Alpha Greyson's desk, I leant back and put my hands behind my back, the Alpha looking none too impressed at my actions. Who cares.

"So, what's going on?" I asked casually. Beta Jules cleared his throat, his passive grey eyes looking to Alpha Greyson for approval. With a curt nod, Beta Jules ripped off the Band Aid.

"There have been increased sightings of a group of Rogues hanging around the South border. Earlier today, a body was found there. A Rogue, one which we believe to be a part of this group." At this I sat up. "Bullet to the head, as well as a cut on his left ankle. Something sharp pierced the skin and broke the bone in two." His explanation finished, Beta Jules nodded to Alpha Greyson to continue. My eyes cautiously strayed to Alpha Greyson.

"We have reason to believe this is the work of the Devil's Rose." My eyes visibly widened. The Devil's Rose was a Ranger who hated us with a passion. Of all the not-people in the world, she was one I would be wary of in a fight. She was cunning and had never been caught. From what I'd heard, she never missed a shot. "We do not have any proof as of yet, but there was a distinct smell lingering on the body that was not his own. I will be ordering a Pack Gathering later tonight to explain. Tomorrow, I would like you and four others to go and search the area for any clues. If we can find the owner of that scent, he may be able to give us information. Any Rogues-"

"Yeah yeah. Take down any Rogues you see. On it." I said, and stood up. "Well, if there is no more news, I will be off." I made it to the door, my hand on the handle, only too eager to get out, when Alpha Greyson's voice stopped me. Inhaling deeply to drown my frustration, I turned halfway, facing the far wall.

"The Ritual is in three months, Tyler. If you are not mated by then, you will never assume the role as Alpha." He said, raising an eyebrow at me. As if he actually cared. My stepfather was a power-hungry freak. He didn't want to give the role to anyone, much less a mutt that wasn't even his.

"Haven't you heard the rumours? I don't have a mate." I said harshly and I glared at him. The Alpha sighed.

"Are they only rumours?" He asked, just daring me to tell everyone he was the one who spread them. To avoid answering, I simply turned and left the room, making sure to slam the door behind me. I heard Alpha sighing again behind me in the room, but tuned him out, and put up a mental block. My wolf needed another run.

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