Chapter 16

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I smiled gently as the two men approached us with synchronised bows. Phyliss winked at me as Beta Jules complimented her ravishing dress, soon leading her away to the party. As Tyler scrutinised me, I took the time to drink in his beauty, memorising every inch of his well-defined face. Dressed in a traditional black tux with a white undershirt, Tyler had gelled his unruly hair to perfection, leaving it slicked back against his head. A rose poked out of his breast pocket, and he kissed my hand. 

"You look beautiful." He murmured, and I flushed, avoiding his amused eyes.

"Not too bad yourself Tyler." I answered, and looked up at him. Remembering something, I cleared my throat. "I uh, I have something for you." Letting go of his hand, I shakily unclasped my necklace. 

"Red, what are you-"

"My mother once said that everyone had two sides to them, and we needed to embrace both in those we love. So, as my father and generations before me have done, I am embracing the one I love." I said quietly, interrupting him as I fastened the two-faced God around his neck and tucked the pendant inside his jacket. Through the fabric of his shirt, I pressed my hand against his chest, feeling the rugged shape of the necklace digging into my palm. I could also feel the rapid beating of his heart. 

Looking back up at Tyler, I saw many things in his blue irises. Love, adoration, many things whirled around in his eyes as he drew me in for a hug, which I gladly returned.

"I love you." He whispered. 

"I know." I replied cheekily, before pulling away to look back up at him with a grin. "Come on, we've got a party to crash." With a smirk, Tyler held out his elbow, which I took. 

"If you'll please, m'lady."

"Gladly kind sir." I played along, and Tyler led me out of the Pack House and down a forest trail. Our shoes crunched on the fallen leaves as we walked in comfortable silence. I was on a sharp lookout for anything suspicious, and felt eyes watching me, but kept on going. Soon we reached a clearing that looked like it had been recently cleared.

A great bonfire blazed in the centre, and all around werewolves laughed and chatted among themselves, many oblivious to the fact we had arrived. Around the clearing were tables with food and drink, as well as traditional games like The Bobbing Apple and even a piñata. 

"Red!" Daniel exclaimed, running towards me. Doc followed after with a beer in hand, a lazy grin on his face. He stopped in front of me. "You look amazing!" Daniel said, and laughed at Tyler's expression. "Don't worry bro, I'm not gonna steal ya woman. There's this hot blonde chick at the food table, I think she's a visitor. Gotta go, things to do, women to seduce." With that he was gone, and I laughed at his enthusiasm, noticing how Tyler's grip lessened when he had disappeared. Doc stopped in front of us.

"Well done Red. You've got a good one there Tyler, don't let her go." He smiled, and Tyler nodded in reply, before looking down at me.

"I don't intend to, sir." 

"Good, because I know how to use a gun, don't you worry." Doc answered and Tyler's grin vanished as he swallowed, emitting a nervous chuckle. Doc laughed and clapped Tyler on the back. "Just messin' with you son. Enjoy yourselves tonight, but keep everything strictly PG13 please. There are youngsters here." Both of us flamed red at Doc's forwardness, but he was already gone, chatting with Beta Jules and Phyliss. Before we had a chance to say anything about that encounter, Tyler and I were called over by an older group.

That was the majority of our night, spent talking to various groups as they introduced themselves and chatted mainly with Tyler about pack politics and such. I talked with the women, learning about the history of the pack and occasionally hearing the daily gossip from younger she-wolves. 

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